Possible memory leak in duckdb
This repository contains minor applications written in golang and python with the purpose of replicating a possible memory leak in the go-duckdb library and / or the underlying duckdb library.
See gh-81 for further details.
The application consists of a tiny api that will process each line of a parquet file from
NYC Yellow Taxi Trip Dataset and print the total number of
processed rows. Even though this can be accomplished by a single select count(*) from "data.parquet"
query, the
intention is to show what happens with the memory usage when you process large amount of rows from a parquet file.
# Golang based application
GET http://localhost:8090/query
{"total": 12345}
# Python based application
GET http://localhost:8090/query
{"total": 12345}
In addition to the api, a Grafana instance with a pre-configured dashboards and a Prometheus instance are included for easier troubleshooting.
Download the dataset used for testing by running make download
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
brew install lima
limactl start template://experimental/vz
limactl shell vz nerdctl compose build
limactl shell vz nerdctl compose up
Open Grafana at http://localhost:3000 and login with admin:password
. Locate the General / Memory usage
and monitor the process memory graph. When you see that data points have been registered you make a http request to
http://localhost:8090/query for the golang based application, or http://localhost:8080 for the python based application.
The request will go through each line in the parquet file and just increment a dummy counter.
# Golang based application
curl http://localhost:8090/query
# Python based application
curl http://localhost:8080
Make notice of the resident memory usage that increases and does not fall after the garbage collection. Do repetitive http requests and notice that for each time the parquet file is processed the resident memory usage increases without falling when the process is completed.
Actual memory usage after a couple of requests.
The memory usage should drop when the parquet file has been processed.