Is there an existing issue for this?
- I have checked for existing issues
- I have reviewed the documentation
- I am using the latest SDK release
How do you use Sentry?
Sentry Saas (
Which SDK are you using?
SDK Version
Framework Version
Link to Sentry event
No response
Reproduction Example/SDK Setup
Our build starts to fail as soon as we start importing sentry.server.config or sentry.edge.config on our instrumentation file.
We're using the default code that is provided in the wizard install, the only difference is that we renamed the instrumentation.js to instrumentation.api.ts - as we're using pageExtensions: ['page.tsx', 'page.ts', 'api.tsx', 'api.ts']
, but I believe this is not related to the issue, as instrumentation is working fine if we try with some other library like @vercel/otel
for example.
This is the error that we have when we run the build command:
Failed to compile.
4070.js from Terser
x The left-hand side of an assignment expression must be a variable or a property access.
81011 | */
81012 | function save(namespaces) {
81013 | if (namespaces) {
81014 | "true" = namespaces;
: ^^^^^^
81015 | } else {
81016 | // If you set a process.env field to null or undefined, it gets cast to the
81017 | // string 'null' or 'undefined'. Just delete instead.
x Invalid assignment target
81011 | */
81012 | function save(namespaces) {
81013 | if (namespaces) {
81014 | "true" = namespaces;
: ^^^^^^
81015 | } else {
81016 | // If you set a process.env field to null or undefined, it gets cast to the
81017 | // string 'null' or 'undefined'. Just delete instead.
Caused by:
0: failed to parse input file
1: Syntax Error
x The left-hand side of an assignment expression must be a variable or a property access.
81011 | */
81012 | function save(namespaces) {
81013 | if (namespaces) {
81014 | "true" = namespaces;
: ^^^^^^
81015 | } else {
81016 | // If you set a process.env field to null or undefined, it gets cast to the
81017 | // string 'null' or 'undefined'. Just delete instead.
x Invalid assignment target
81011 | */
81012 | function save(namespaces) {
81013 | if (namespaces) {
81014 | "true" = namespaces;
: ^^^^^^
81015 | } else {
81016 | // If you set a process.env field to null or undefined, it gets cast to the
81017 | // string 'null' or 'undefined'. Just delete instead.
Caused by:
0: failed to parse input file
1: Syntax Error
> Build failed because of webpack errors
Build process exited due to code 1
This is our next.config:
const {withNx} = require('@nx/next/plugins/with-nx')
const {withSentryConfig} = require('@sentry/nextjs')
const path = require('path')
const isAnalyzingBundle = process.env['ANALYZE'] === 'true'
* We have to inject the environment variables inside Next js manually to be available
* on the client side as NX_ variables are not available on the client side.
function getEnvVars() {
* @type {import('../../libs/models/src/util/config').IConfig}
const env = {
API_URL: process.env['NX_API_URL'],
SENTRY_ENV: process.env['NX_SENTRY_ENV'],
return env
* @type {import('next').NextConfig}
let nextConfig = {
experimental: {
instrumentationHook: true,
transpilePackages: [
// Otherwise we get an error on geist font:
* Begin of the Antd packages must be transpiled for Next js >13.4
* Source:
// End of the Antd packages that must be transpiled for Next js 14
// We should not increase it, otherwise we run out of Vercel's limits.
staticPageGenerationTimeout: 60,
reactStrictMode: true,
distDir: 'dist',
pageExtensions: ['page.tsx', 'page.ts', 'api.tsx', 'api.ts'],
env: getEnvVars(),
Optional build-time configuration options
sentry: {
hideSourceMaps: true,
// Since we added sideEffects to our package.json, we need to set this to true
// otherwise Sentry will not be able to connect the source maps properly
// Docs about this setting:
widenClientFileUpload: true,
webpack: (config) => {
// Adds rule in order to be able to use svgs using import, otherwise we get an error
test: /\.svg$/i,
issuer: /\.[jt]sx?$/,
resourceQuery: {not: [/url/]}, // exclude react component if *.svg?url
use: ['@svgr/webpack'],
* Start of CSS modules classes output format configuration
* This entire section is needed just to change CSS modules
* classes output format as seen here:
const oneOf = config.module.rules.find(
(rule) => typeof rule.oneOf === 'object'
if (oneOf) {
// Find the module which targets *.scss|*.sass files
const moduleSassRule = oneOf.oneOf.find((rule) =>
regexEqual(rule.test, /\.module\.(scss|sass)$/)
if (moduleSassRule) {
// Get the config object for css-loader plugin
const cssLoader = moduleSassRule.use.find(({loader}) =>
if (cssLoader)
cssLoader.options = {
modules: {
localIdentName: '[local]--[hash:base64:5]',
// You can also add other css-loader options here
return config
* rewrites, redirects, and headers are not supported on desktop
* See more info here:
// Next js Bundle Analyzer
const withBundleAnalyzer = require('@next/bundle-analyzer')({
enabled: true,
const plugins = []
if (isAnalyzingBundle) {
module.exports = async (phase, context) => {
let updatedConfig = plugins.reduce((acc, fn) => fn(acc), nextConfig)
updatedConfig = await withNx(updatedConfig)(phase, context)
updatedConfig = withSentryConfig(updatedConfig)
return updatedConfig
If we comment everything that is inside sentry.edge.config and sentry.server.config the build is successful and Sentry works fine on client side - don't work on server side for obvious reasons as we commented the code.
Steps to Reproduce
Added instrumentation.ts inside src folder, and added sentry.edge.config.js and sentry.server.config.js files and added instrumentationHook on next.config.js:
export async function register() {
if (process.env['NEXT_RUNTIME'] === 'nodejs') {
await import('../sentry.server.config')
if (process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME === 'edge') {
await import('../sentry.edge.config')
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/nextjs'
dsn: '{...correct value is here}',
tracesSampleRate: 1,
debug: true,
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/nextjs'
dsn: '{...correct value is here}',
tracesSampleRate: 1,
debug: true,
We tried to make it work with multiple approaches, but none of them worked unfortunately.
Expected Result
build should work and errors thrown from the API should go to Sentry successfully.
Actual Result
build fails. Complete log below:
nx run streamline-web:build:production
[@sentry/nextjs] Setting a `sentry` property on the Next.js config object as a means of configuration is no longer supported. Please use the `sentryBuildOptions` argument of of the `withSentryConfig()` function instead.
⚠ Invalid next.config.js options detected:
⚠ Invalid input at "env.FEATURE_FLAGS"
⚠ Expected string, received object at "env.FEATURE_FLAGS"
⚠ Expected undefined, received object at "env.FEATURE_FLAGS"
⚠ See more info here:
[@sentry/nextjs] Setting a `sentry` property on the Next.js config object as a means of configuration is no longer supported. Please use the `sentryBuildOptions` argument of of the `withSentryConfig()` function instead.
▲ Next.js 14.2.5
- Experiments (use with caution):
· instrumentationHook
Skipping linting
✓ Checking validity of types
Creating an optimized production build ...
[@sentry/nextjs] It appears you've configured a `sentry.server.config.js` file. Please ensure to put this file's content into the `register()` function of a Next.js instrumentation hook instead. To ensure correct functionality of the SDK, `Sentry.init` must be called inside `instrumentation.ts`. Learn more about setting up an instrumentation hook in Next.js: You can safely delete the `sentry.server.config.js` file afterward.
[@sentry/nextjs] It appears you've configured a `sentry.edge.config.js` file. Please ensure to put this file's content into the `register()` function of a Next.js instrumentation hook instead. To ensure correct functionality of the SDK, `Sentry.init` must be called inside `instrumentation.ts`. Learn more about setting up an instrumentation hook in Next.js: You can safely delete the `sentry.edge.config.js` file afterward.
[@sentry/nextjs - Node.js] Info: Sending telemetry data on issues and performance to Sentry. To disable telemetry, set `options.telemetry` to `false`.
> Found 74 files
> Analyzing 74 sources
> Analyzing completed in 0.062s
> Adding source map references
> Bundling completed in 0.495s
> Bundled 74 files for upload
> Bundle ID: e487f521-6023-557f-9d53-6335f9d4eb4b
> Optimizing completed in 0.023s
> Uploading completed in 1.622s
> Uploaded files to Sentry
> Processing completed in 0.435s
> File upload complete (processing pending on server)
> Organization: webalys
> Project: streamline-web
> Release: BKG1z7H2LbR52J_zWWlk4
> Dist: None
> Upload type: artifact bundle
Source Map Upload Report
~/01838be0-e1f3-4de2-9949-c8c2fea164d8-25.js (sourcemap at [plan], debug id 01838be0-e1f3-4de2-9949-c8c2fea164d8)
~/0b8bd9a9-0b1d-46f4-bd5b-d75275c7e492-35.js (sourcemap at, debug id 0b8bd9a9-0b1d-46f4-bd5b-d75275c7e492)
~/105b29da-df6e-40d0-a0be-6b3334647fa1-1.js (sourcemap at, debug id 105b29da-df6e-40d0-a0be-6b3334647fa1)
~/131e6d42-e95e-4eea-a430-b560ae1c1aec-5.js (sourcemap at, debug id 131e6d42-e95e-4eea-a430-b560ae1c1aec)
~/1401006c-608f-4ffa-9583-aa65c1eb33e1-4.js (sourcemap at, debug id 1401006c-608f-4ffa-9583-aa65c1eb33e1)
~/151862a7-cc5e-46fd-9794-fa943af101cd-36.js (sourcemap at, debug id 151862a7-cc5e-46fd-9794-fa943af101cd)
~/16f2372e-f2b4-40bf-862c-879d7610ff17-29.js (sourcemap at, debug id 16f2372e-f2b4-40bf-862c-879d7610ff17)
~/1c6b6e68-6f13-481c-82df-ed54159b7bbb-13.js (sourcemap at, debug id 1c6b6e68-6f13-481c-82df-ed54159b7bbb)
~/2711f8f7-165c-41c9-bf8f-9a586d0cbf29-27.js (sourcemap at [hash], debug id 2711f8f7-165c-41c9-bf8f-9a586d0cbf29)
~/32648c17-e3da-44d3-9374-e840f9b60561-0.js (sourcemap at, debug id 32648c17-e3da-44d3-9374-e840f9b60561)
~/3cf4598e-7d49-44b4-bc0f-1d74f241e778-34.js (sourcemap at [plan], debug id 3cf4598e-7d49-44b4-bc0f-1d74f241e778)
~/41647e32-d39b-4cee-a44a-c986abc05565-15.js (sourcemap at [tag], debug id 41647e32-d39b-4cee-a44a-c986abc05565)
~/50c5f2a8-d107-40b6-a391-a02508d48584-8.js (sourcemap at [type], debug id 50c5f2a8-d107-40b6-a391-a02508d48584)
~/5157ac8f-4150-4e3e-a4c4-84fb761adc02-30.js (sourcemap at, debug id 5157ac8f-4150-4e3e-a4c4-84fb761adc02)
~/62d44fd4-cf95-4fec-a02b-c2ddddaba47b-28.js (sourcemap at [family], debug id 62d44fd4-cf95-4fec-a02b-c2ddddaba47b)
~/64c42938-625c-4757-b31c-ed83060cd194-31.js (sourcemap at, debug id 64c42938-625c-4757-b31c-ed83060cd194)
~/77d32b72-3703-4e80-aa2b-7aa0b3ab876c-20.js (sourcemap at, debug id 77d32b72-3703-4e80-aa2b-7aa0b3ab876c)
~/78d9d6ec-a2b6-4547-a7a0-5441e70d4a09-10.js (sourcemap at [category], debug id 78d9d6ec-a2b6-4547-a7a0-5441e70d4a09)
~/82f963f5-2c54-4adf-a01f-5243093e8ed5-24.js (sourcemap at [hash], debug id 82f963f5-2c54-4adf-a01f-5243093e8ed5)
~/8421557b-9790-4e8b-a20c-8525176c047e-12.js (sourcemap at [icon--subcategoryId], debug id 8421557b-9790-4e8b-a20c-8525176c047e)
~/8653b828-b91c-46aa-b6ea-01a92cca0ee2-23.js (sourcemap at, debug id 8653b828-b91c-46aa-b6ea-01a92cca0ee2)
~/87be4485-83e6-4cc5-8007-4f9277712ee5-17.js (sourcemap at, debug id 87be4485-83e6-4cc5-8007-4f9277712ee5)
~/9594c2b7-200d-46fb-8e4b-84ef758818c3-9.js (sourcemap at [family], debug id 9594c2b7-200d-46fb-8e4b-84ef758818c3)
~/97d28986-9e61-4ba2-8fd8-576e3104e1d5-7.js (sourcemap at, debug id 97d28986-9e61-4ba2-8fd8-576e3104e1d5)
~/9c7713ea-5bd0-4838-aa87-4a2be9ef62ab-33.js (sourcemap at, debug id 9c7713ea-5bd0-4838-aa87-4a2be9ef62ab)
~/9c774173-eb48-4da7-ac9c-55103720fb74-19.js (sourcemap at, debug id 9c774173-eb48-4da7-ac9c-55103720fb74)
~/9d66e61c-55c9-40ad-8cd8-4e6ed9dd49c3-16.js (sourcemap at [directory], debug id 9d66e61c-55c9-40ad-8cd8-4e6ed9dd49c3)
~/a1ff6387-ac88-45cd-8c04-31ab061f31fd-32.js (sourcemap at, debug id a1ff6387-ac88-45cd-8c04-31ab061f31fd)
~/a3b1e3cc-29f6-49c9-87a9-09dbb5cc9982-14.js (sourcemap at, debug id a3b1e3cc-29f6-49c9-87a9-09dbb5cc9982)
~/a6eedd4e-ee78-4960-89a8-7a0e07abe4f3-2.js (sourcemap at, debug id a6eedd4e-ee78-4960-89a8-7a0e07abe4f3)
~/a76b362a-1e2d-41cb-9d50-5df5a8b006c1-22.js (sourcemap at, debug id a76b362a-1e2d-41cb-9d50-5df5a8b006c1)
~/a7d23477-ad4f-438f-a088-3343a9798bde-11.js (sourcemap at [icon], debug id a7d23477-ad4f-438f-a088-3343a9798bde)
~/bc9ade1e-1c47-47be-a624-30d6e164f92a-3.js (sourcemap at, debug id bc9ade1e-1c47-47be-a624-30d6e164f92a)
~/c9441141-898e-4932-80c9-9e046ea5981c-21.js (sourcemap at, debug id c9441141-898e-4932-80c9-9e046ea5981c)
~/cca5ed87-6118-4efd-91c8-f441a67c2a0a-6.js (sourcemap at, debug id cca5ed87-6118-4efd-91c8-f441a67c2a0a)
~/d42584e0-3759-4e4e-9c57-01aca246713e-18.js (sourcemap at, debug id d42584e0-3759-4e4e-9c57-01aca246713e)
~/dd9d8fed-0a90-483f-9bb3-fae71e1f0c0e-26.js (sourcemap at, debug id dd9d8fed-0a90-483f-9bb3-fae71e1f0c0e)
Source Maps
~/ (debug id 01838be0-e1f3-4de2-9949-c8c2fea164d8)
~/ (debug id 0b8bd9a9-0b1d-46f4-bd5b-d75275c7e492)
~/ (debug id 105b29da-df6e-40d0-a0be-6b3334647fa1)
~/ (debug id 131e6d42-e95e-4eea-a430-b560ae1c1aec)
~/ (debug id 1401006c-608f-4ffa-9583-aa65c1eb33e1)
~/ (debug id 151862a7-cc5e-46fd-9794-fa943af101cd)
~/ (debug id 16f2372e-f2b4-40bf-862c-879d7610ff17)
~/ (debug id 1c6b6e68-6f13-481c-82df-ed54159b7bbb)
~/ (debug id 2711f8f7-165c-41c9-bf8f-9a586d0cbf29)
~/ (debug id 32648c17-e3da-44d3-9374-e840f9b60561)
~/ (debug id 3cf4598e-7d49-44b4-bc0f-1d74f241e778)
~/ (debug id 41647e32-d39b-4cee-a44a-c986abc05565)
~/ (debug id 50c5f2a8-d107-40b6-a391-a02508d48584)
~/ (debug id 5157ac8f-4150-4e3e-a4c4-84fb761adc02)
~/ (debug id 62d44fd4-cf95-4fec-a02b-c2ddddaba47b)
~/ (debug id 64c42938-625c-4757-b31c-ed83060cd194)
~/ (debug id 77d32b72-3703-4e80-aa2b-7aa0b3ab876c)
~/ (debug id 78d9d6ec-a2b6-4547-a7a0-5441e70d4a09)
~/ (debug id 82f963f5-2c54-4adf-a01f-5243093e8ed5)
~/ (debug id 8421557b-9790-4e8b-a20c-8525176c047e)
~/ (debug id 8653b828-b91c-46aa-b6ea-01a92cca0ee2)
~/ (debug id 87be4485-83e6-4cc5-8007-4f9277712ee5)
~/ (debug id 9594c2b7-200d-46fb-8e4b-84ef758818c3)
~/ (debug id 97d28986-9e61-4ba2-8fd8-576e3104e1d5)
~/ (debug id 9c7713ea-5bd0-4838-aa87-4a2be9ef62ab)
~/ (debug id 9c774173-eb48-4da7-ac9c-55103720fb74)
~/ (debug id 9d66e61c-55c9-40ad-8cd8-4e6ed9dd49c3)
~/ (debug id a1ff6387-ac88-45cd-8c04-31ab061f31fd)
~/ (debug id a3b1e3cc-29f6-49c9-87a9-09dbb5cc9982)
~/ (debug id a6eedd4e-ee78-4960-89a8-7a0e07abe4f3)
~/ (debug id a76b362a-1e2d-41cb-9d50-5df5a8b006c1)
~/ (debug id a7d23477-ad4f-438f-a088-3343a9798bde)
~/ (debug id bc9ade1e-1c47-47be-a624-30d6e164f92a)
~/ (debug id c9441141-898e-4932-80c9-9e046ea5981c)
~/ (debug id cca5ed87-6118-4efd-91c8-f441a67c2a0a)
~/ (debug id d42584e0-3759-4e4e-9c57-01aca246713e)
~/ (debug id dd9d8fed-0a90-483f-9bb3-fae71e1f0c0e)
[@sentry/nextjs - Node.js] Info: Successfully uploaded source maps to Sentry
[@sentry/nextjs - Edge] Info: Sending telemetry data on issues and performance to Sentry. To disable telemetry, set `options.telemetry` to `false`.
> Found 78 files
> Analyzing 78 sources
> Analyzing completed in 0.056s
> Adding source map references
> Bundling completed in 0.556s
> Bundled 78 files for upload
> Bundle ID: 29ea461f-61ef-593c-946d-972146e49be0
> Optimizing completed in 0.025s
> Uploading completed in 2.087s
> Uploaded files to Sentry
> Processing completed in 0.323s
> File upload complete (processing pending on server)
> Organization: webalys
> Project: streamline-web
> Release: BKG1z7H2LbR52J_zWWlk4
> Dist: None
> Upload type: artifact bundle
Source Map Upload Report
~/01838be0-e1f3-4de2-9949-c8c2fea164d8-28.js (sourcemap at [plan], debug id 01838be0-e1f3-4de2-9949-c8c2fea164d8)
~/0b8bd9a9-0b1d-46f4-bd5b-d75275c7e492-38.js (sourcemap at, debug id 0b8bd9a9-0b1d-46f4-bd5b-d75275c7e492)
~/105b29da-df6e-40d0-a0be-6b3334647fa1-1.js (sourcemap at, debug id 105b29da-df6e-40d0-a0be-6b3334647fa1)
~/131e6d42-e95e-4eea-a430-b560ae1c1aec-5.js (sourcemap at, debug id 131e6d42-e95e-4eea-a430-b560ae1c1aec)
~/1401006c-608f-4ffa-9583-aa65c1eb33e1-4.js (sourcemap at, debug id 1401006c-608f-4ffa-9583-aa65c1eb33e1)
~/151862a7-cc5e-46fd-9794-fa943af101cd-39.js (sourcemap at, debug id 151862a7-cc5e-46fd-9794-fa943af101cd)
~/16f2372e-f2b4-40bf-862c-879d7610ff17-32.js (sourcemap at, debug id 16f2372e-f2b4-40bf-862c-879d7610ff17)
~/1c6b6e68-6f13-481c-82df-ed54159b7bbb-16.js (sourcemap at, debug id 1c6b6e68-6f13-481c-82df-ed54159b7bbb)
~/2711f8f7-165c-41c9-bf8f-9a586d0cbf29-30.js (sourcemap at [hash], debug id 2711f8f7-165c-41c9-bf8f-9a586d0cbf29)
~/32648c17-e3da-44d3-9374-e840f9b60561-0.js (sourcemap at, debug id 32648c17-e3da-44d3-9374-e840f9b60561)
~/3cf4598e-7d49-44b4-bc0f-1d74f241e778-37.js (sourcemap at [plan], debug id 3cf4598e-7d49-44b4-bc0f-1d74f241e778)
~/41647e32-d39b-4cee-a44a-c986abc05565-18.js (sourcemap at [tag], debug id 41647e32-d39b-4cee-a44a-c986abc05565)
~/50c5f2a8-d107-40b6-a391-a02508d48584-11.js (sourcemap at [type], debug id 50c5f2a8-d107-40b6-a391-a02508d48584)
~/5157ac8f-4150-4e3e-a4c4-84fb761adc02-33.js (sourcemap at, debug id 5157ac8f-4150-4e3e-a4c4-84fb761adc02)
~/62d44fd4-cf95-4fec-a02b-c2ddddaba47b-31.js (sourcemap at [family], debug id 62d44fd4-cf95-4fec-a02b-c2ddddaba47b)
~/64c42938-625c-4757-b31c-ed83060cd194-34.js (sourcemap at, debug id 64c42938-625c-4757-b31c-ed83060cd194)
~/74496756-00a3-4d52-9e45-b53b8660c2ed-7.js (sourcemap at, debug id 74496756-00a3-4d52-9e45-b53b8660c2ed)
~/77d32b72-3703-4e80-aa2b-7aa0b3ab876c-23.js (sourcemap at, debug id 77d32b72-3703-4e80-aa2b-7aa0b3ab876c)
~/78d9d6ec-a2b6-4547-a7a0-5441e70d4a09-13.js (sourcemap at [category], debug id 78d9d6ec-a2b6-4547-a7a0-5441e70d4a09)
~/82f963f5-2c54-4adf-a01f-5243093e8ed5-27.js (sourcemap at [hash], debug id 82f963f5-2c54-4adf-a01f-5243093e8ed5)
~/8421557b-9790-4e8b-a20c-8525176c047e-15.js (sourcemap at [icon--subcategoryId], debug id 8421557b-9790-4e8b-a20c-8525176c047e)
~/8653b828-b91c-46aa-b6ea-01a92cca0ee2-26.js (sourcemap at, debug id 8653b828-b91c-46aa-b6ea-01a92cca0ee2)
~/87be4485-83e6-4cc5-8007-4f9277712ee5-20.js (sourcemap at, debug id 87be4485-83e6-4cc5-8007-4f9277712ee5)
~/9594c2b7-200d-46fb-8e4b-84ef758818c3-12.js (sourcemap at [family], debug id 9594c2b7-200d-46fb-8e4b-84ef758818c3)
~/97d28986-9e61-4ba2-8fd8-576e3104e1d5-10.js (sourcemap at, debug id 97d28986-9e61-4ba2-8fd8-576e3104e1d5)
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~/9c774173-eb48-4da7-ac9c-55103720fb74-22.js (sourcemap at, debug id 9c774173-eb48-4da7-ac9c-55103720fb74)
~/9d66e61c-55c9-40ad-8cd8-4e6ed9dd49c3-19.js (sourcemap at [directory], debug id 9d66e61c-55c9-40ad-8cd8-4e6ed9dd49c3)
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Source Maps
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~/ (debug id 0b8bd9a9-0b1d-46f4-bd5b-d75275c7e492)
~/ (debug id 105b29da-df6e-40d0-a0be-6b3334647fa1)
~/ (debug id 131e6d42-e95e-4eea-a430-b560ae1c1aec)
~/ (debug id 1401006c-608f-4ffa-9583-aa65c1eb33e1)
~/ (debug id 151862a7-cc5e-46fd-9794-fa943af101cd)
~/ (debug id 16f2372e-f2b4-40bf-862c-879d7610ff17)
~/ (debug id 1c6b6e68-6f13-481c-82df-ed54159b7bbb)
~/ (debug id 2711f8f7-165c-41c9-bf8f-9a586d0cbf29)
~/ (debug id 32648c17-e3da-44d3-9374-e840f9b60561)
~/ (debug id 3cf4598e-7d49-44b4-bc0f-1d74f241e778)
~/ (debug id 41647e32-d39b-4cee-a44a-c986abc05565)
~/ (debug id 50c5f2a8-d107-40b6-a391-a02508d48584)
~/ (debug id 5157ac8f-4150-4e3e-a4c4-84fb761adc02)
~/ (debug id 62d44fd4-cf95-4fec-a02b-c2ddddaba47b)
~/ (debug id 64c42938-625c-4757-b31c-ed83060cd194)
~/ (debug id 74496756-00a3-4d52-9e45-b53b8660c2ed)
~/ (debug id 77d32b72-3703-4e80-aa2b-7aa0b3ab876c)
~/ (debug id 78d9d6ec-a2b6-4547-a7a0-5441e70d4a09)
~/ (debug id 82f963f5-2c54-4adf-a01f-5243093e8ed5)
~/ (debug id 8421557b-9790-4e8b-a20c-8525176c047e)
~/ (debug id 8653b828-b91c-46aa-b6ea-01a92cca0ee2)
~/ (debug id 87be4485-83e6-4cc5-8007-4f9277712ee5)
~/ (debug id 9594c2b7-200d-46fb-8e4b-84ef758818c3)
~/ (debug id 97d28986-9e61-4ba2-8fd8-576e3104e1d5)
~/ (debug id 9c7713ea-5bd0-4838-aa87-4a2be9ef62ab)
~/ (debug id 9c774173-eb48-4da7-ac9c-55103720fb74)
~/ (debug id 9d66e61c-55c9-40ad-8cd8-4e6ed9dd49c3)
~/ (debug id a1ff6387-ac88-45cd-8c04-31ab061f31fd)
~/ (debug id a3b1e3cc-29f6-49c9-87a9-09dbb5cc9982)
~/ (debug id a6eedd4e-ee78-4960-89a8-7a0e07abe4f3)
~/ (debug id a76b362a-1e2d-41cb-9d50-5df5a8b006c1)
~/ (debug id a7d23477-ad4f-438f-a088-3343a9798bde)
~/ (debug id b29b8200-387b-48c9-95d7-e0b832a3c2df)
~/ (debug id bc9ade1e-1c47-47be-a624-30d6e164f92a)
~/ (debug id c9441141-898e-4932-80c9-9e046ea5981c)
~/ (debug id cca5ed87-6118-4efd-91c8-f441a67c2a0a)
~/ (debug id d42584e0-3759-4e4e-9c57-01aca246713e)
~/ (debug id dd9d8fed-0a90-483f-9bb3-fae71e1f0c0e)
[@sentry/nextjs - Edge] Info: Successfully uploaded source maps to Sentry
Failed to compile.
696.js from Terser
x The left-hand side of an assignment expression must be a variable or a property access.
80853 | */
80854 | function save(namespaces) {
80855 | if (namespaces) {
80856 | "true" = namespaces;
: ^^^^^^
80857 | } else {
80858 | // If you set a process.env field to null or undefined, it gets cast to the
80859 | // string 'null' or 'undefined'. Just delete instead.
x Invalid assignment target
80853 | */
80854 | function save(namespaces) {
80855 | if (namespaces) {
80856 | "true" = namespaces;
: ^^^^^^
80857 | } else {
80858 | // If you set a process.env field to null or undefined, it gets cast to the
80859 | // string 'null' or 'undefined'. Just delete instead.
Caused by:
0: failed to parse input file
1: Syntax Error
x The left-hand side of an assignment expression must be a variable or a property access.
80853 | */
80854 | function save(namespaces) {
80855 | if (namespaces) {
80856 | "true" = namespaces;
: ^^^^^^
80857 | } else {
80858 | // If you set a process.env field to null or undefined, it gets cast to the
80859 | // string 'null' or 'undefined'. Just delete instead.
x Invalid assignment target
80853 | */
80854 | function save(namespaces) {
80855 | if (namespaces) {
80856 | "true" = namespaces;
: ^^^^^^
80857 | } else {
80858 | // If you set a process.env field to null or undefined, it gets cast to the
80859 | // string 'null' or 'undefined'. Just delete instead.
Caused by:
0: failed to parse input file
1: Syntax Error
> Build failed because of webpack errors
Build process exited due to code 1
NX Ran target build for project streamline-web (29s)
✖ 1/1 failed
✔ 0/1 succeeded [0 read from cache]
Waiting for: Community