Since version 0.9.3 we use FlatLaf as a default LAF and it works very well. FlatLaf already
supports Dark mode well but some components like DataLab do not. Therefore the dark mode is not really usable.
Definition of done
- All default components should be dark when in dark mode
Components to look at
- Welcome Screen
- Data Laboratory table
- Data Laboratory filter search box
- Data Laboratory search box in Search/Replace menu
- JXHyperlink does not seem to adapt well (see for instance "See more options" on report panel)
- Perspective buttons (Overview, Data Lab, Preview)
- Overview and Preview default background
- JXHeader (eg Statistics configuration)
- (Optional as these charts are anyway outdated) Statistics report charts
- Banner
- Ranking spline
- Window title on Mac OS
- Crash report font color
- Data lab sparklines
- Appearance Spline JXHyperLink