The pygeometa website is powered by MkDocs which facilitates easy management of website content and publishing.
# build a virtual Python environment in isolation
python3 -m venv pygeometa
cd pygeometa
# download pygeometa from GitHub
git clone
# install required dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
cd pygeometa/doc
# build the website
mkdocs build
# serve locally
mkdocs serve # website is made available on http://localhost:8000/
To manage content you require an account on GitHub. From here you can either
- fork the repository, make your own changes and issue a pull request, or 2. edit the content directly. For option 2 the necessary permissions are required.
The basic workflow is as follows:
- manage content
- commit updates
- publish to the live site
vi content/ # add content
vi mkdocs.yml # add to navigation section
# edit any other files necessary which may want to link to the new page
git add content/
git commit -m 'add new page on topic x' content/ mkdocs.yml
git push origin master
vi content/ # update content
git commit -m 'update page' content/
git push origin master
# NOTE: you require access privileges to the GitHub repository
# to publish live updates
mkdocs gh-deploy -m 'add new page on topic x'