# [beta] Project Hoverboard - GDG DevFest 2015 site template
## About
Project Hoverboard is the next generation conference website template after [Project Zeppelin](https://github.com/gdg-x/zeppelin) and more optimized version - [Project Zeppelin-Grunt](https://github.com/gdg-x/zeppelin-grunt).
Template was build using [Polymer](http://polymer-project.org) according to [Material Design](http://www.google.com/design/spec/material-design/introduction.html) guidelines.
The site is **responsive**, **fast** and supports **offline access** (if you are using HTTPS protocol).
Template is brought by [Oleh Zasadnyy](https://plus.google.com/+OlehZasadnyy) from [GDG Lviv](http://lviv.gdg.org.ua/).
*Do you like it?* Show your support - please, **star the project**.
### Live demo [GDG DevFest Ukraine 2015](http://devfest.gdg.org.ua/)
#### The Hoverboard is still under development and can bring breaking changes shortly. If you are looking for stable website template try [Project Zeppelin-Grunt](https://github.com/gdg-x/zeppelin-grunt).
## Features
* Material design
* Polymer
* Responsive
* Integrated speakers and sessions management
* SVG icons
* SEO friendly
* Optimized and fast
* Offline access
## Quick-start guide
1. [Fork](https://github.com/gdg-x/hoverboard/fork) this repo and clone locally or [download](https://github.com/gdg-x/hoverboard/archive/master.zip) and extract Project Hoverboard to where you want to work.
2. Install [Node.js](www.nodejs.org).
3. Run `npm install -g gulp bower && npm install && bower install` from the root of the folder.
4. Modify template to suit your needs.
#### Requirements
Project dependencies:
- Node.js used to run JavaScript tools from the command line.
- npm, the node package manager, installed with Node.js and used to install Node.js packages.
- gulp, a Node.js-based build tool.
- bower, a Node.js-based package manager used to install front-end packages (like Polymer).
**To install dependencies:**
1) Check your Node.js version.
node --version
The version should be 0.12.x or above.
2) If you don't have Node.js installed, or you have a lower version, go to [nodejs.org](https://nodejs.org) and click on the big green Install button.
3) Install `gulp` and `bower` globally.
npm install -g gulp bower
This lets you run `gulp` and `bower` from the command line.
4) Install the projects's local `npm` and `bower` dependencies.
cd hoverboard && npm install && bower install
This installs the element sets and tools the hoverboard template requires to build and serve apps.
## Development workflow
#### Serve / watch
gulp serve
This outputs an IP address you can use to locally test and another that can be used on devices connected to your network.
#### Build & Vulcanize
Build and optimize the current project, ready for deployment. This includes linking as well as vulcanization, image, script, stylesheet and HTML optimization and minification.
#### Build, Vulcanize, and Deploy
gulp deploy
**Warning:** don't forget to [edit destination repository](https://github.com/gdg-x/hoverboard/blob/master/gulpfile.js#L205) to deploy the website.
## Next steps in the project
* Use generator to configure the template from files
* Refactor styles
* Schedule page
* Countdown
* Testimonials block
* Venue block
## Application Theming
Polymer 1.0 introduces a shim for CSS custom properties. We take advantage of this in `app/styles/app-theme.html` and `app/styles/tags-color.html` to provide theming for your application. You can also find our presets for Material Design breakpoints in this file.
[Read more](https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/docs/devguide/styling.html) about CSS custom properties.
_Ok, to be honest, it should be refactored ASAP._
## Dependency Management
Polymer uses [Bower](http://bower.io) for package management. This makes it easy to keep your elements up to date and versioned. For tooling, we use npm to manage Node.js-based dependencies.
## Service Worker
Template offers an offline-first experience thanks to Service Worker and the [Platinum Service Worker elements](https://github.com/PolymerElements/platinum-sw). New to Service Worker? Read the following [introduction](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/service-worker/introduction/) to understand how it works.
#### I get an error message about "Only secure origins are allowed"
Service Workers are only available to "secure origins" (HTTPS sites, basically) in line with a policy to prefer secure origins for powerful new features. However http://localhost is also considered a secure origin, so if you can, developing on localhost is an easy way to avoid this error. For production, your site will need to support HTTPS.
#### How do I debug Service Worker?
If you need to debug the event listener wire-up use `chrome://serviceworker-internals`.
#### What are those buttons on chrome://serviceworker-internals?
This page shows your registered workers and provides some basic operations.
* Unregister: Unregisters the worker.
* Start: Starts the worker. This would happen automatically when you navigate to a page in the worker's scope.
* Stop: Stops the worker.
* Sync: Dispatches a 'sync' event to the worker. If you don't handle this event, nothing will happen.
* Push: Dispatches a 'push' event to the worker. If you don't handle this event, nothing will happen.
* Inspect: Opens the worker in the Inspector.
#### Not yet ready for Service Worker support?
If for any reason you decide that Service Worker support isn't for you, you can disable it from your project using these 3 steps:
* Remove 'precache' from the list in the 'default' gulp task ([gulpfile.js](https://github.com/PolymerElements/polymer-starter-kit/blob/master/gulpfile.js))
* Remove the two Platinum Service Worker elements (platinum-sw/..) in [app/elements/elements.html](https://github.com/PolymerElements/polymer-starter-kit/blob/master/app/elements/elements.html)
* Remove references to the platinum-sw elements from your application [index](https://github.com/PolymerElements/polymer-starter-kit/blob/master/app/index.html).
You will also want to navigate to `chrome://serviceworker-internals` and unregister any Service Workers registered by Hoverboard for your app just in case there's a copy of it cached.
## Frequently Asked Questions
> Where do I customize my application theme?
Theming can be achieved using [CSS Custom properties](https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/docs/devguide/styling.html#xscope-styling-details) via [app/styles/app-theme.html](https://github.com/PolymerElements/polymer-starter-kit/blob/master/app/styles/app-theme.html).
You can also use `app/styles/main.css` for pure CSS stylesheets (e.g for global styles), however, note that Custom properties will not work there under the shim.
A [Polycast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omASiF85JzI) is also available that walks through theming using Polymer 1.0.
> Where do I configure routes in my application?
This can be done via [`app/elements/routing.html`](https://github.com/PolymerElements/polymer-starter-kit/blob/master/app/elements/routing.html). We use Page.js for routing, and new routes
can be defined in this import. We then toggle which `