import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import palettable from cycler import cycler from lmfit import models from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator from collections import defaultdict class Data: """ Base class of BaiKit Attributes ---------- manifest_fn : str Manifest filename. line_dir : str Default: `""` line_ext : str Default: `".txt"` line_loadtxt: dict Default: `{"comments": "#", "delimiter": None, "skiprows": 0, "unpack": False, "encoding": "latin1"}` """ def __init__(self, manifest_fn, manifest_dir="input/manifest/"): """ Parameters ---------- manifest_fn : str Manifest filename. manifest_dir : str, optional Manifest directory. Default: `"input/manifest/"` """ self.manifest_fn = manifest_fn self.manifest_dir = manifest_dir # Var name from PlotData class self.line_dir = "" self.line_ext = ".txt" # ".txt", ".csv", or other self.line_loadtxt = { "comments": "#", "delimiter": None, "skiprows": 0, "unpack": False, "encoding": "latin1", } # Read manifest file with open(self.manifest_dir + self.manifest_fn + ".txt") as f: self.manifest_lines = [line.rstrip("\n") for line in f] print(self.manifest_lines) def load_manifest(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Load manifest Loads manifest file and return manifest lines in list. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: List of manifest lines. """ manifest_lines_fields = np.array([["fn", "tag"]], dtype=object) for manifest_line_index in range(1, len(self.manifest_lines)): manifest_lines_fields = np.append( manifest_lines_fields, [self.manifest_lines[manifest_line_index].split(", ")], axis=0, ) return manifest_lines_fields class WrangleData(Data): """ Wrangling data Wrangles data for later use. """ def __init__(self, manifest_fn, manifest_dir="input/manifest/"): """ Parameters ---------- manifest_fn : str Manifest filename. manifest_dir : str, optional Manifest directory. Default: `"input/manifest/"` """ super().__init__(manifest_fn, manifest_dir) def load_data(self, manifest_line_index) -> tuple[np.ndarray, str, str]: """ Convert manifest line to data Loads data from manifest line. Parameters ---------- manifest_line_index : int Line number of the manifest line. Returns ------- tuple[numpy.ndarray, str, str]: Data, line filename, and line tag. """ line_fn, line_tag = self.load_manifest()[manifest_line_index] data = np.loadtxt(self.line_dir + line_fn + self.line_ext, **self.line_loadtxt) print("\nData {} shape: {}".format(line_tag, data.shape)) return data, line_fn, line_tag def save_data(self, data, line_fn, line_tag): """ Convert data to manifest line Saves data as specified in manifest line, and print manifest line. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray Data to save. line_fn : str Line filename. line_tag : str Line tag. """ line_path = self.line_dir + line_fn + self.line_ext np.savetxt(line_path, data) print("Data {} saved as: {}".format(line_tag, line_path)) print("fn, tag\n{}, {}".format(line_fn, line_tag)) def unique_col0(self, data) -> np.ndarray: """ Find the unique values in 1st column Returns data where the values in 1st column are unique (duplicates removed) and sorted. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray Input ndarray. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: Output ndarray. """ _, index = np.unique(data[:, 0], return_index=True) return data[index, :] def find_peak( self, data, peakregion_boundaries ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Find single peak Finds a single peak within peak region boundaries. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray Data. peakregion_boundaries : numpy.ndarray ndarray of the peak region boundaries of the peak. Returns ------- tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]: Data within peak region, peak value, and data generated from fitted model. """ data_pr_row_index = np.where( np.logical_and( data[:, 0] >= peakregion_boundaries[0], data[:, 0] <= peakregion_boundaries[1], ) ) data_pr = data[data_pr_row_index[0], :] mod_constant = models.ConstantModel() mod_gaussian = models.GaussianModel() mod = mod_constant + mod_gaussian pars = mod_constant.make_params(c=np.mean(data_pr[:, 1])) pars += mod_gaussian.guess(data_pr[:, 1], data_pr[:, 0]) out =[:, 1], pars, x=data_pr[:, 0]) print(out.fit_report) x_fit = np.arange(*peakregion_boundaries, 0.01) y_fit = out.eval(x=x_fit) peak = np.array( [out.best_values["center"], out.eval(x=out.best_values["center"])] ) fit = np.transpose(np.vstack((x_fit, y_fit))) return data_pr, peak, fit def find_peaks(self, data, peakregion_boundaries) -> np.ndarray: """ Wrapper of `find_peak()` Finds multiple peaks within a series of peak region boundaries. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray Data. peakregion_boundaries : numpy.ndarray A 2-D ndarray of peak region boundaries. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: Peaks values. """ peaks = np.zeros(peakregion_boundaries.shape) for row_index in range(peakregion_boundaries.shape[0]): _, peaks[row_index], _ = self.find_peak( data, peakregion_boundaries[row_index] ) rounded_peak = np.round(peaks[row_index]) print( "peak {}: position {}, height {}".format( row_index + 1, rounded_peak[0], rounded_peak[1] ) ) print("\n") return peaks def shift_col0( self, data, peakregion_par, col0_precision=4 ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float]: """ Shift column 0 Shifts column 0 of data according to peakregion_par. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray Input data. peakregion_par : numpy.ndarray An ndarray of two elements, the 1st one is the peak center, the 2nd one is peak half width. col0_precision : int, optional Column 0 data output precision. Default: `4` Returns ------- tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, float]: Output data, peak value, and diff. """ peakregion_boundaries = np.array( [ peakregion_par[0] - peakregion_par[1], peakregion_par[0] + peakregion_par[1], ] ) _, peak, _ = self.find_peak(data, peakregion_boundaries) diff = round(peak[0] - peakregion_par[0], col0_precision) diff_col0 = np.multiply(np.ones(data.shape[0]), diff) data[:, 0] -= diff_col0 print("col0 calibrated with diff: {}".format(diff)) return data, peak, diff def stretch_col1( self, data, peaksregion_boundaries, height, col1_precision=4 ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, float]: """ Stretch column 1 Stretches column 1 of data to height. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray Input data. peaksregion_boundaries : numpy.ndarray An ndarray of two elements, the 1st one is left boundary, the 2nd one is right boundary. height : float The average height within boundaries that the data are stretched to. col1_precision : int, optional Column 1 data output precision. Default: `4` Returns ------- tuple[numpy.ndarray, float]: Output data and coeff. """ data_pr_row_index = np.where( np.logical_and( data[:, 0] >= peaksregion_boundaries[0], data[:, 0] <= peaksregion_boundaries[1], ) ) data_pr = data[data_pr_row_index[0], :] mean_data_pr = np.mean(data_pr[:, 1]) coeff = height / mean_data_pr data[:, 1] *= coeff data[:, 1] = data[:, 1].round(col1_precision) print("col1 streched with coeff: {}".format(coeff)) return data, coeff def raman_calib(self, data) -> np.ndarray: """ Calibrate Raman spectrum Calibrates shift with Si's 1st order peak position (520 cm^-1). Calibrates intensity with Si's 2nd order peak average height. Parameters ---------- manifest_line_index : int Line number of the manifest line. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: Calibrated Raman spectrum. """ si_1st_peakregion_par = np.array([520, 5]) # si_peakregion_boundaries = np.array([520, 540]) si_2nd_peaksregion_boundaries = np.array([944, 975]) # Calibrate Raman shift data, peak, _ = self.shift_col0(data, si_1st_peakregion_par) # Calibrate Raman intensity data, coeff = self.stretch_col1(data, si_2nd_peaksregion_boundaries, 200) si_1st_peakheight = peak[1] * coeff print( "Si 1st order peak height after calibration: {}".format(si_1st_peakheight) ) return data class PlotData(Data): """ Plot figure Plots figure of 2-D data. Attributes ---------- plot_figsize : tuple Default: `(6.4, 4.8)` plot_title_flag : bool Default: `False` plot_title : str plot_title_fontsize : float Default: `14` plot_xlabel : str Default: `""` plot_ylabel : str Default: `""` plot_label_fontsize : float Default: `18` subplots_layout : numpy.ndarray Default: `numpy.array([[2 * x - 1, 2 * x] for x in range(4, 0, -1)]).reshape(4, 1, 2)` subplots_tag : numpy.ndarray Default: `numpy.array([f"example_{x}" for x in range(4, 0, -1)]).reshape(4, 1)` subplots_annotate_xyoffset : numpy.ndarray Default: `numpy.tile([0, -12], (4, 1, 2, 1))` subplots_wspace : float Default: `0` subplots_hspace : float Default: `0` subplot_xlim : list Default: `[]` subplot_ylim : list Default: `[]` subplot_ylim_offset : float Default: `0` subplot_xlabel : list Default: `""` subplot_ylabel_flag : bool Default: `True` subplot_xscale : list Default: `"linear"` subplot_yscale : list Default: `"linear"` subplot_linewidth : float Default: `1.5` subplot_legend_flag : bool Default: `False` subplot_legend_loc : str Default: `"best"` subplot_legend_fontsize : float Default: `10` line_ystep : float Default: `0` line_annotate_flag : bool Default: `False` line_annotate_x : float The x position of the annotation. Default: `1200` line_annotate_interval : float The x interval of the data. Default: `2` line_annotate_kwargs : dict Default: {"textcoords": "offset points", "horizontalalignment": "center", "fontsize": 12, "bbox": dict(boxstyle="square", alpha=0.8, ec="w", fc="w")} line_print_flag : bool Default: `True` persistent_styles_flag : bool Default: `False` persistent_styles : dict Default: defaultdict(lambda: next(loop_cy_iter)) """ def __init__(self, plot_title, manifest_dir="input/manifest/"): """ Parameters ---------- plot_title : str Plot title which is also manifest filename. manifest_dir : str, optional Manifest directory. Default: `"input/manifest/"` """ super().__init__(plot_title, manifest_dir) self.plot_figsize = (6.4, 4.8) self.plot_title_flag = False self.plot_title = plot_title self.plot_title_fontsize = 14 self.plot_xlabel = "" self.plot_ylabel = "" self.plot_label_fontsize = 18 self.subplots_layout = np.array( [[2 * x - 1, 2 * x] for x in range(4, 0, -1)] ).reshape(4, 1, 2) self.subplots_tag = np.array([f"example_{x}" for x in range(4, 0, -1)]).reshape( 4, 1 ) self.subplots_annotate_xyoffset = np.tile([0, -12], (4, 1, 2, 1)) self.subplots_wspace = 0 self.subplots_hspace = 0 self.subplot_xlim = [] self.subplot_ylim = [] self.subplot_ylim_offset = 0 self.subplot_xlabel = "" self.subplot_ylabel_flag = True self.subplot_xscale = "linear" self.subplot_yscale = "linear" self.subplot_linewidth = 1.5 self.subplot_legend_flag = False self.subplot_legend_loc = "best" self.subplot_legend_fontsize = 10 self.line_ystep = 0 self.line_annotate_flag = False self.line_annotate_x = 1200 # annotation x pos self.line_annotate_interval = 2 # Data x interval self.line_annotate_kwargs = { "textcoords": "offset points", "horizontalalignment": "center", "fontsize": 12, "bbox": dict(boxstyle="square", alpha=0.8, ec="w", fc="w"), } self.line_print_flag = True self.persistent_styles_flag = False prop_cycle = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"] loop_cy_iter = prop_cycle() self.persistent_styles = defaultdict(lambda: next(loop_cy_iter)) def init_figure(self): """ Initialise figure Creates subplots with axes. Attributes ---------- subplots_shape : numpy.ndarray manifest_lines_fields : numpy.ndarray subplot_x_tick_params : dict Default: `{"which": "both", "direction": "in", "width": self.subplot_linewidth, "labelsize": 15, "bottom": True, "top": False, "labelbottom": True}` subplot_y_tick_params : dict Default: `{"which": "both", "direction": "in", "width": self.subplot_linewidth, "labelsize": 15, "left": False, "right": False, "labelleft": False}` fig : Figure gs: GridSpec axs : list List of Axes. subplot_cycler : Cycler Default: `(cycler(color=palettable.tableau.Tableau_10.mpl_colors) * cycler(linewidth=[1.5]) * cycler(markersize=[5]))` """ self.subplots_shape = np.asarray(self.subplots_layout.shape)[:-1] self.manifest_lines_fields = self.load_manifest() self.subplot_x_tick_params = { "which": "both", "direction": "in", "width": self.subplot_linewidth, "labelsize": 15, "bottom": True, "top": False, "labelbottom": True, } self.subplot_y_tick_params = { "which": "both", "direction": "in", "width": self.subplot_linewidth, "labelsize": 15, "left": False, "right": False, "labelleft": False, } self.fig = plt.figure( figsize=self.plot_figsize, dpi=256, facecolor="w", edgecolor="k" ) = self.fig.add_gridspec( *self.subplots_shape, wspace=self.subplots_wspace, hspace=self.subplots_hspace, ) axs = if == 1: self.axs = np.asarray([[axs]]) elif self.subplots_shape[0] == 1: self.axs = np.asarray([axs]) elif self.subplots_shape[1] == 1: axs_temp = [[axs[0]]] for axs_index in range(1, len(axs)): axs_temp = np.vstack([axs_temp, [axs[axs_index]]]) self.axs = axs_temp else: self.axs = axs self.subplot_cycler = ( cycler(color=palettable.tableau.Tableau_10.mpl_colors) * cycler(linewidth=[self.subplot_linewidth]) * cycler(markersize=[5]) ) def save_figure(self): """ Save figure Saves current figure to `output` folder, with some settings. """ self.fig.savefig( "output/" + self.plot_title + ".pdf", bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True, ) def plot_subplots(self): """ Wrapper of `subplot_lines()` Plots subplots. """ # Init iteration numbers (array) its = np.zeros(self.subplots_shape, dtype=int) for i in range(0, self.subplots_shape[0]): for j in range(0, self.subplots_shape[1]): self.subplot_lines(i, j, its) # Figure label self.fig.supxlabel( self.plot_xlabel, fontsize=self.plot_label_fontsize, ) self.fig.supylabel( self.plot_ylabel, fontsize=self.plot_label_fontsize, ) # Figure title if self.plot_title_flag: self.fig.suptitle( self.plot_title, fontsize=self.plot_title_fontsize, ) # # plt.gcf().clear() def subplot_lines(self, i, j, its): """ Wrapper of `line()` Wraps lines into a subplot. Parameters ---------- i : int Row number of subplot grid. j : int Column number of subplot grid. its : numpy.ndarray Iteration numbers. """ self.axs[i, j].set_prop_cycle(self.subplot_cycler) # type: ignore for manifest_line_index in self.subplots_layout[i, j, :]: its = self.line(manifest_line_index, i, j, its) # Axis view limit self.axs[i, j].set_xlim(*self.subplot_xlim) # type: ignore if len(self.subplot_ylim) == 2: self.axs[i, j].set_ylim( # type: ignore self.subplot_ylim[0], (its[i, j] + 0) * self.line_ystep + self.subplot_ylim[1] + self.subplot_ylim_offset, ) # Axis label if i == self.subplots_shape[0] - 1: self.axs[i, j].set_xlabel( # type: ignore self.subplot_xlabel, fontsize=self.plot_label_fontsize ) if self.subplot_ylabel_flag: self.axs[i, j].set_ylabel( # type: ignore self.subplots_tag[i, j], fontsize=self.plot_label_fontsize ) # Axis scale self.axs[i, j].set_xscale(self.subplot_xscale) # type: ignore self.axs[i, j].set_yscale(self.subplot_yscale) # type: ignore # Axis tick self.axs[i, j].xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator(2)) # type: ignore if i == self.subplots_shape[0] - 1: self.subplot_x_tick_params["labelbottom"] = True else: self.subplot_x_tick_params["labelbottom"] = False self.axs[i, j].tick_params(axis="x", **self.subplot_x_tick_params) # type: ignore self.axs[i, j].tick_params(axis="y", **self.subplot_y_tick_params) # type: ignore # Axis line width for axis in ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]: self.axs[i, j].spines[axis].set_linewidth(self.subplot_linewidth) # type: ignore # Legend if self.subplot_legend_flag is True: self.axs[i, j].legend( # type: ignore loc=self.subplot_legend_loc, fontsize=self.subplot_legend_fontsize ) def line(self, manifest_line_index, i, j, its) -> np.ndarray: """ Plot line Plots an ndarray of 2-D data. Parameters ---------- manifest_line_index : int Row number of manifest line. i : int Row number of subplot grid. j : int Column number of subplot grid. its : numpy.ndarray Iteration numbers. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: Iteration numbers. """ data = np.loadtxt( self.line_dir + self.manifest_lines_fields[manifest_line_index, 0] + self.line_ext, **self.line_loadtxt, ) if self.line_print_flag: print( "Data {} shape: {}".format( self.manifest_lines_fields[manifest_line_index, 1], data.shape ) ) y_cascaded = np.array(data[:, 1] + self.line_ystep * its[i, j]) if self.persistent_styles_flag: (line,) = self.axs[i, j].plot( # type: ignore data[:, 0], y_cascaded, label=self.manifest_lines_fields[manifest_line_index, 1], **self.persistent_styles[i], ) else: (line,) = self.axs[i, j].plot( # type: ignore data[:, 0], y_cascaded, label=self.manifest_lines_fields[manifest_line_index, 1], ) if self.line_annotate_flag is True: x_annotate_row_index = np.abs(data[:, 0] - self.line_annotate_x).argmin() self.axs[i, j].annotate( # type: ignore self.manifest_lines_fields[manifest_line_index, 1], xy=(self.line_annotate_x, y_cascaded[x_annotate_row_index]), xytext=tuple(self.subplots_annotate_xyoffset[i, j, its[i, j]]), color=line.get_color(), **self.line_annotate_kwargs, ) its[i, j] += 1 return its