Lookup multiple citations and export their text as a big PDF #27
opened on Mar 11, 2024
I propose the implementation of a feature that would enable the user to input a list of case citations, and receive as the output the text of opinions with those citations. This enhancement would allow users to pull multiple cases at once without requiring them to interact with the API.
Currently, the citation lookup tool allows for a user to retrieve one case at a time from a citation. If a user has more than one case, they must enter each case one at a time to read them, which is time consuming and requires the user to maintain an internet connection to read the cases.
Potential use cases
Potential use cases include:
- Pulling a list of cases cited in a brief
- Retrieving a list of cases to read offline
- Retrieving a set of cases to input as text into an LLM
Proposed Solution:
- Create new "Find and Export" citation feature that will take a list of citations, separated by semi-colons or line breaks, and return some formatted object containing the text of all opinions.
Potential Challenges:
- I'm not sure what format the output should be. A list of hyperlinks? JSON object? Is PDF too challenging?
- May need some way of handling unrecognized citations - return a list of the citations that were not retrieved?
- Could be used as a workaround to API access. Likely need a case limit. Maybe 10 or 20 citations at once?