Collected datasets about fCC in Medium.
- Recent project.
dataset: stats of titles of articles in freeCodeCamp Medium,
fccmediumTitles - Cleaned_Data.tsv
(tab-separated file) curated by @evaristoc- data collected before 12-Oct-2016
- "Quartier" : quartier of the year
- "date" : as "MM yyyy"
- "Title" : unparsed title of the article
- "Recommends" : number of Recommends as defined by Medium Team by the date the data was collected
- "Read ratio" : percentage of people who view the article and then read it, "difference between your reads and views"
dataset: stats of titles of articles in freeCodeCamp Medium + title class,
medium_titles - rawdata.tsv
(tab-separated file) curated by @evaristoc * data about titles between Jan-2016 and Jan-2017- "order" : acquisition order (by date)
- "inv-ord" : inverted order
- "selection" : for analytical purposes, 0 or 1
- "CollTitle" : title of the article, unparsed
- "CorrectedTitle" : parsed CollTitle
- "OrigRecommends" : unparsed number of Recommends as defined by Medium Team by the date the data was collected
- "classification" :
- TECH : technical
- MOT : motivational
- SEC : security
- JOB : job-related
- CS : computer science
- WD : web development
- DES : design
- PM : project management
- DS : data science
- FCC : institutional (about fCC)
- AD : advertising
- CB : Code Briefings
- OTHER : other
- "Recommends" : parsed number of Recommends as defined by Medium Team by the date the data was collected
- "Class_WD" : articles with the WD class; 0=False,1=True
- "Class_WD&CS" : articles with either the WD class or the CS class; 0=False,1=True