This project runs on Snakemake version 8.4.12. To install Snakemake, you can use Mambaforge. First create an environment and activate it:
mamba create -n snakemake
mamba activate snakemake
Then install Snakemake:
mamba install -c conda-forge -c bioconda snakemake=8.4.12
All other package dependencies are handles directly by Snakemake.
The snakemake workflow processes max- and mean-projections (xyt) from time-resolved 3D-stacks (xyzt). Before running the snakemake workflow, these projection files can be generated with scripts provided in the folder scripts.
MS2 data in form from *.nd files are processed as max-projections with the script One file corresponds to z-stack movies of several stage positions (direct output from the microscope).
python path/to/images.nd path/to/outputfolder
GFP data in form of *.nd files are processed as mean-projections with the script One file corresponds to single z-stacks of movie-corresponding stage positions.
python path/to/images.nd path/to/outputfolder
Output folder strcture should be as follows: data/processed/{date_of_aquisition}/proj/
To run the workflow, you need to provide a configuration file and a text file listing the samples to be processed (list of max-projections).
The text file should contain the sample names (one per line), end with the extension '_dataset_list.txt', and be located in the data folder. An example is given.
The configuration file should contain the following entries:
- movies_list: fill name of the text file containing the list of samples to be processed
- min_tracklength_segmentation: minimum length in frames a cell is visible
- min_cellsize_segmentation: minimum size in pixels a cell has to have
- spotdiameter: diameter of the spots in pixels for spot detection
- spotdetection_threshold: threshold for spot detection
- spotfilter_size_min: minimum size of the spot for filtering after spot detection
- spotfilter_size_max: maximum size of the spot for filtering after spot detection
- spotfilter_mass: maximum mass of the spot for filtering after spot detection
- min_burstlength: filter on the minimum length of a transcriptional on time
An example is provided in the config folder (example_config.yaml). If you rename the configuration file, make sure to adjust the name in the Snakefile.
To dry-run the workflow (-np), navigate to the root of this project and run the following command in the activated snakemake environment:
snakemake --use-conda --cores 1 -np
To run the pipeline, remove the -np flag:
snakemake --use-conda --cores 1