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Send in-app feedback to Jira

This code demonstrates how to use a Firebase Cloud Function triggered by an in-app feedback Firebase Alert from App Distribution, and stores the feedback details (including screenshot) in Jira.

You can customize this code to work with your own Jira configuration (eg on-premise support, custom issue types, etc).


This sample code uses Jira's built-in APIs to create issues for in-app tester feedback. For simplicity it uses basic authorization.

  1. Generate an API token via your Jira profile.

    Note: If the tester who files feedback does not have a Jira account, the user who generates this token will be marked as the issue's reporter.

  2. This code uses parameterized configuration to prompt for the required configuratio. To start the process, run:

    $ firebase deploy

    This will store the API_TOKEN using Google Cloud Secret Manager and the remaining settings in an .env file which will contain the following variables, customized to your Jira project:

    JIRA_URI="<your JIRA instance's URI, e.g. ''>"
    PROJECT_KEY="<your project's key, e.g. 'DEV'>"
    ISSUE_TYPE_ID="<issue type ID; defaults to '10001' (Improvement)>"
    ISSUE_LABEL="<label applied to the Jira issues created; defaults to 'in-app'>"
    API_TOKEN_OWNER="<creator of the token; default reporter of issues>"


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