📖 EventCatalog

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Discover, Explore and Document your Event Driven Architectures.

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Features: Documentation generator for Event Driven Architectures, Markdown driven, Document Domains/Services/Messages/Schemas and more, Content versioning, Assign Owners, Schemas, OpenAPI, MDX Components and more...

[![All Contributors](https://img.shields.io/badge/all_contributors-46-orange.svg?style=flat-square)](#contributors-) [Read the Docs](https://eventcatalog.dev/) | [Edit the Docs](https://github.com/event-catalog/docs) | [View Demo](https://demo.eventcatalog.dev/docs)

# Core Features - 📃 Document domains, services and messages ([demo](https://demo.eventcatalog.dev/docs)) - 📊 Visualise your architecture ([demo](https://demo.eventcatalog.dev/visualiser)) - ⭐ Supports any Schema format (e.g Avro, JSON) ([demo](https://demo.eventcatalog.dev/docs/events/InventoryAdjusted/0.0.4)) - 🗂️ Document any code examples (Any code snippet) - 💅 Custom MDX components ([read more](https://eventcatalog.dev/docs/development/components/using-components)) - 🗄️ Version domains, services and messages - ⭐ Discoverability feature (search, filter and more) ([demo](https://demo.eventcatalog.dev/discover/events)) - ⭐ Document teams and users ([demo](https://demo.eventcatalog.dev/docs/teams/full-stack)) - 🤖 Automate your catalogs with [generators](https://www.eventcatalog.dev/docs/development/plugins/plugin-overview) (e.g generate your catalogs from your [AsyncAPI](https://www.eventcatalog.dev/docs/ascynapi)/[OpenAPI](https://www.eventcatalog.dev/docs/openapi) documents) - ⭐ And much more... # The problem Event-driven architectures are becoming more popular, giving us the ability to write decoupled architectures and use messages as away to communicate between domains/teams. When starting with event-driven architectures you may have a handful of services and messages. As this scales with your team and organization it becomes very hard to manage and govern this. Over a period of time more events are added to our domain, requirements change, and our architecture scales. As more domains, services or messages get added to our architecture they can be hard for teams to discover and explore. Many teams ignore documentation and governance and end up in a [sea of complexity (watch the talk here)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLUvfIm9wnQ&t=1s) . **EventCatalog was built to help document your event-driven architectures and help your teams explore and understand events, schemas and much more.** Read more on these blogposts and videos: - [Introducing EventCatalog v2 (2024)](https://eventcatalog.dev/blog/eventcatalog-v2) - [Introducing EventCatalog v1 (2022)](https://www.boyney.io/blog/2022-01-11-introducing-eventcatalog) - [Event-Driven Architecture: Beyond the Schema Registry (blog)](https://www.boyney.io/blog/2021-12-05-documenting-events) - [Complexity is the Gotcha of Event-driven Architecture (VIDEO) by David Boyne](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLUvfIm9wnQ&t=1s) # This solution Think of EventCatalog as a website generator that allows you to document your event architectures powered by markdown. EventCatalog is focused on discovery and documentation and allows you to: - Document Domains/Services/Messages/Schemas/Code Examples and more... - Visually shows relationships between upstream/downstream services using your Events - Allows you to version your documentation and supports changelogs - Add owners to domains,services and messages so your teams know who owns which parts of your domain - And much more... EventCatalog is technology agnostic, which means you can integrate your Catalog with any EDA technology of your choice and any schema formats. EventCatalog supports a [Plugin Architecture](https://eventcatalog-website-v2.vercel.app/docs/development/plugins/plugin-overview) which will let you generate documentation from your systems. You can read more on [how it works on the website](https://eventcatalog.dev) # Getting Started You should be able to get setup within minutes if you head over to our documentation to get started 👇 ➡️ [Get Started](https://eventcatalog-website-v2.vercel.app/docs/development/getting-started/installation) Or run this command to build a new catalog ``` npx @eventcatalog/create-eventcatalog@latest my-catalog ``` # Demo Here is an example of a Retail system using domains, services and messages. [demo.eventcatalog.dev](https://demo.eventcatalog.dev) You can see the markdown files that generated the website in the GitHub repo under [examples](/examples). # Sponsors Thank you to our project sponsors. ## Gold sponsors

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_Sponsors help make EventCatalog sustainable, want to help the project? Get in touch! Or [visit our sponsor page](https://www.eventcatalog.dev/support)._ # Enterprise support Interested in collaborating with us? Our offerings include dedicated support, priority assistance, feature development, custom integrations, and more. Find more details on our [services page](https://eventcatalog.dev/services). # Looking for v1? - Documentation: https://v1.eventcatalog.dev - Code: https://github.com/event-catalog/eventcatalog/tree/v1 _Still using v1 of EventCatalog? We recommnded upgrading to the latest version. [Read more in the migration guide](https://eventcatalog.dev/docs/development/guides/upgrading-from-version-1)._ # Contributing If you have any questions, features or issues please raise any issue or pull requests you like. We will try my best to get back to you. You can find the [contributing guidelines here](https://eventcatalog.dev/docs/contributing/overview). ## Running the project locally 1. Clone the repo 1. Install required dependencies `npm run i` 1. Run the command `npm run start:catalog` - This will start the catalog found in `/examples` repo, locally on your machine [license-badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/license/event-catalog/eventcatalog.svg?color=yellow [license]: https://github.com/event-catalog/eventcatalog/blob/main/LICENSE [prs-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-welcome-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-square [prs]: http://makeapullrequest.com [github-watch-badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/watchers/event-catalog/eventcatalog.svg?style=social [github-watch]: https://github.com/event-catalog/eventcatalog/watchers [github-star-badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/stars/event-catalog/eventcatalog.svg?style=social [github-star]: https://github.com/event-catalog/eventcatalog/stargazers ## Contributors ✨ Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)):
David Boyne
David Boyne

💻 🖋 🎨 💡 🤔 📖
Benjamin Otto
Benjamin Otto

💻 🤔 📖 🐛
Tiago Oliveira
Tiago Oliveira

📖 🐛
Jay McGuinness
Jay McGuinness

David Khourshid
David Khourshid


🤔 🐛 💻

Dan Tavelli
Dan Tavelli


Donald Pipowitch
Donald Pipowitch

🐛 💻

Rodolfo Toro
Rodolfo Toro

Drew Marsh
Drew Marsh

Dec Kolakowski
Dec Kolakowski

💻 📖
Yevhenii Dytyniuk
Yevhenii Dytyniuk


Matt Martz
Matt Martz

Michel Grootjans
Michel Grootjans

Arturo Abruzzini
Arturo Abruzzini

Ad L'Ecluse
Ad L'Ecluse

Rafael Renan Pacheco
Rafael Renan Pacheco

💻 📖
Luis Diego
Luis Diego

Daniel Ruf
Daniel Ruf

Fredrik Johansson
Fredrik Johansson

Naresh Kumar Reddy Gaddam
Naresh Kumar Reddy Gaddam

Andre Deutmeyer
Andre Deutmeyer


Alexander Holbreich
Alexander Holbreich

José Delgado
José Delgado


Kim Rejström
Kim Rejström

Christophe Gabard
Christophe Gabard

Carlo Bertini
Carlo Bertini

David Regla
David Regla

Marcio Vinicius
Marcio Vinicius

Daniel Andres Castillo Ardila
Daniel Andres Castillo Ardila

Baerten Dennis
Baerten Dennis

Ryan Cormack
Ryan Cormack

Nathan Birrell
Nathan Birrell

Jack Tomlinson
Jack Tomlinson

Carlos Rodrigues
Carlos Rodrigues

omid eidivandi
omid eidivandi

Simone Fumagalli
Simone Fumagalli


Cristian Pallarés
Cristian Pallarés

Sebastian Rendon
Sebastian Rendon

This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) specification. Contributions of any kind welcome! # License MIT