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Erda Infra is a lightweight microservices framework implements by golang, which offers many useful modules and tools to help you quickly build a module-driven application


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Erda Infra

Go Reference License codecov

Translations: English | 简体中文

Erda Infra is a lightweight microservices framework implements by golang, which offers many useful modules and tools to help you quickly build a module-driven application.

Many Go projects are built using Erda Infra including:


  • modular design to drive the implementation of the application system, and each module is pluggable.
  • each module is configurable, supports setting defaults、reading from files (YAML, HCL,、JSON、TOML、.env file)、environment、flags.
  • manage the lifecycle of the module, includes initialization, startup, and shutdown.
  • manage dependencies between modules.
  • support Dependency Injection between modules.
  • offers many commonly modules that can be used directly.
  • support define APIs and models in protobuf file to expose both gRPC and HTTP APIs.
  • offers tools to help you quickly build a module.
  • etc.


  • Service, represents a function.
  • Provider, service provider, equivalent to module, provide some services. It can also depend on other services, witch provide by other provider.
  • ProviderDefine, describe a provider, includes provider's name, constructor function of provider, services, etc. Register it by servicehub.RegisterProvider function.
  • Hub, is a container for all providers, and manage the life cycle of all loaded providers.

A configuration is used to determine whether all registered Providers are loaded, and the Hub initializes, starts, and closes the loaded Providers.


Define Provider

Define a provider by implementing the servicehub.ProviderDefine interface, and register it through the servicehub.RegisterProvider function.

But, it is simpler to describe a provider through servicehub.Spec and register it through the servicehub.Register function.


Quick Start

Create a Provider

Step 1, Create a Provider

➜ gohub init -o helloworld
Input Service Provider Name: helloworld
➜ tree helloworld
├── provider.go
└── provider_test.go

Step 2, Create main.go

package main

import (
	_ "./helloworld" // your package import path

func main() {
		Content: `

Step 3, Run

➜ go run main.go
INFO[2021-04-13 13:17:36.416] message: hi                                   module=helloworld
INFO[2021-04-13 13:17:36.416] provider helloworld initialized              
INFO[2021-04-13 13:17:36.416] signals to quit: [hangup interrupt terminated quit] 
INFO[2021-04-13 13:17:36.426] provider helloworld running ...              
INFO[2021-04-13 13:17:39.429] do something...                               module=helloworld

Hello World ( helloworld/ | main.go )

Create HTTP/gRPC Service

These services can be called either remote or local Provider.

Step 1, Define the protocol, in the *.proto files, includes Message and Interface.

syntax = "proto3";

package erda.infra.example;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
option go_package = "";

// the greeting service definition.
service GreeterService {
  // say hello
  rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse)  {
    option (google.api.http) = {
      get: "/api/greeter/{name}",

message HelloRequest {
  string name = 1;

message HelloResponse {
  bool success = 1;
  string data = 2;

Step 2, build protocol to codes

➜ gohub protoc protocol *.proto 
➜ tree 
├── client
│   ├── client.go
│   └── provider.go
├── greeter.proto
└── pb
    ├── greeter.form.pb.go
    ├── greeter.http.pb.go
    ├── greeter.pb.go
    ├── greeter_grpc.pb.go

Step 3, implement the interface

➜ gohub protoc imp *.proto --imp_out=../server/helloworld
➜ tree ../server/helloworld
├── greeter.service.go
├── greeter.service_test.go
└── provider.go

Step 4, Create main.go and run it


package main

import (


	// import all providers
	_ ""
	_ ""

func main() {
	hub := servicehub.New()
	hub.Run("server", "server.yaml", os.Args...)


# optional
    addr: ":8080"
    addr: ":7070"
# expose services and interface

Service ( Protocol | Implementation | Server | Caller | Client )

Useful Providers

Many available providers have been packaged in this project, it can be found in the providers/ directory.

Under each module, there is an examples directory, which contains examples of the use of the module.

  • elasticsearch, provide elasticsearch client APIs, and it easy to write batch data.
  • etcd, provide etcd client APIs.
  • etcd-mutex, distributed lock implemented by etcd.
  • grpcserver, start a grpc server.
  • grpcclient, provide gRPC client, and manage client's connection.
  • health, provide health check API, and can register some health check function into this provider.
  • httpserver, provide an HTTP server, support any form of handle function, interceptor, parameter binding, parameter verification, etc.
  • i18n, provide internationalization support, manage i18n files, support templates.
  • kafka, provide kafka sdk, and easy to produce and consume messages.
  • kubernetes, provide kubernetes client APIs.
  • mysql, provide mysql client APIs.
  • pprof, expose pprof HTTP APIs By httpserver.
  • redis, provide redis client APIs.
  • zk-master-election, provide interface about master-slave election, it is implemented by zookeeper.
  • zookeeper, provide zookeeper client.
  • cassandra, provide cassandra APIs, and easy to write batch data
  • serviceregister, use it to register services to expose gRPC and HTTP APIs.


gohub is a CLI tool, which to help you quickly build a Provider. It can be installed as follows:

go get -u

You can also use gohub through a Docker container.

➜ docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/go \ gohub                                                                
  gohub [flags]
  gohub [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  init        Initialize a provider with name
  pkgpath     Print the absolute path of go package
  protoc      ProtoBuf compiler tools
  tools       Tools
  version     Print the version number

  -h, --help   help for gohub

Use "gohub [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Erda Infra is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.


Erda Infra is a lightweight microservices framework implements by golang, which offers many useful modules and tools to help you quickly build a module-driven application








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