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323 lines (264 loc) · 12.2 KB

How to build a project

The build process

  1. ENB determines which targets are built (the enb make [target] command). If enb make is run without a specified target, ENB builds all targets defined in make.js.
  2. ENB initializes the nodes involved in the build for the specified targets. Each node requests the list of targets from technologies registered inside the node.
  3. The node launches technologies responsible for the targets to build.
  4. During execution, a technology can request other targets needed for the build from the node (the requireSources method). In this case, the current technology is suspended until the needed targets are built.
  5. The technology alerts the node (the resolveTarget method) when it completes the target build.
  6. The build is completed when all needed targets are built.

Step by step guide

  1. Add the enb package dependency in the project's package.json (preferably as ">=latest_version")
  2. Run npm install.
  3. Make sure that ENB is installed. The node_modules/.bin/enb command must run without errors.
  4. Create a make file .bem/enb-make.js in the format:
module.exports = function(config) {
  1. Make sure ENB runs correctly. The node_modules/.bin/enb make command should run without errors.
  2. Configure the nodes. The example shows the pages/index node configuration.
module.exports = function(config) {
    config.node('pages/index', function(nodeConfig) {

This is how the node is declared on the make platform. At this point, the node isn't configured – it's just declared.

  1. Declare the targets to build for the node:
module.exports = function(config) {
    config.node('pages/index', function(nodeConfig) {
      nodeConfig.addTargets(['_?.js', '_?.css']);

The targets are declared. But running node_modules/bin/enb make will return an error because the technologies that can provide the targets aren't registered.

  1. Register the basic technologies:
module.exports = function(config) {
    config.node('pages/index', function(nodeConfig) {
        [ require('enb/techs/levels'), { levels: getLevels(config) } ],
        [ require('enb/techs/file-provider'), { target: '?.bemdecl.js' } ],

      nodeConfig.addTargets(['_?.js', '_?.css']);

function getLevels(config) {
    return [
      {path: 'bem-bl/blocks-common', check: false},
      {path: 'bem-bl/blocks-desktop', check: false},
      {path: 'lego/blocks-common', check: false},
      {path: 'lego/blocks-desktop', check: false},
    ].map(function(levelPath) { return config.resolvePath(levelPath); });

To keep the node configuration clear, the getLevels function is placed at the bottom of the file.

More information about each technology:

enb/techs/levels — Collects information about the project's redefinition levels. The result of this technology is used by the enb/techs/deps, enb/techs/deps-old and enb/techs/files technologies. For each node, a default <path_to_node>/blocks level is added. For example, for the pages/index node, the default level is pages/index/blocks.

enb/techs/file-provider — Informs the make platform that the target passed in the target option is ready. In our case, the source file for the build is index.bemdecl.js. It is located in the repository and doesn't require separate building.

enb/techs/deps-old — Builds ?.deps.js (index.deps.js) from index.bemdecl.js and index.levels. Why deps-old? Lego lacks a number of dependencies, so your project may fail to build with the faster deps technology if you don't modify lego. The deps-old technology uses the build algorithm from bem-tools, and the lack of dependencies isn't an issue.

enb/techs/files — Collects the full list of files from all redefinition levels in the order they are included in the final index.deps.js. The result of this technology can be used, for example, in the enb/techs/js technology.

  1. Register the technologies needed to build JavaScript and CSS.
module.exports = function(config) {
    config.node('pages/index', function(nodeConfig) {
        [ require('enb/techs/levels'), { levels: getLevels(config) } ],
        [ require('enb/techs/file-provider'), { target: '?.bemdecl.js' } ],

      nodeConfig.addTargets(['_?.js', '_?.css']);

function getLevels(config) {
    return [
      {path: 'bem-bl/blocks-common', check: false},
      {path: 'bem-bl/blocks-desktop', check: false},
      {path: 'lego/blocks-common', check: false},
      {path: 'lego/blocks-desktop', check: false},
    ].map(function(levelPath) { return config.resolvePath(levelPath); });

Now you can build the index.js and index.css files using the enb/techs/js and enb/techs/css technologies. But at step 7, we registered other targets: _?.js (_index.js) and _?.css (_index.css). To build them, use the enb/techs/file-copy technology.

module.exports = function(config) {
    config.node('pages/index', function(nodeConfig) {
        [ require('enb/techs/levels'), { levels: getLevels(config) } ],
        [ require('enb/techs/file-provider'), { target: '?.bemdecl.js' } ],
        [ require('enb/techs/file-copy'), { sourceTarget: '?.js', destTarget: '_?.js' } ],
        [ require('enb/techs/file-copy'), { sourceTarget: '?.css', destTarget: '_?.css' } ]

      nodeConfig.addTargets(['_?.js', '_?.css']);

function getLevels(config) {
    return [
      {path: 'bem-bl/blocks-common', check: false},
      {path: 'bem-bl/blocks-desktop', check: false},
      {path: 'lego/blocks-common', check: false},
      {path: 'lego/blocks-desktop', check: false},
    ].map(function(levelPath) { return config.resolvePath(levelPath); });

Now run the node_modules/.bin/enb make command and all necessary _index.js and _index.css files will be added to the pages/index folder. This gives us a result we can work with. But it isn't enough for the production mode.

  1. Divide up the build of the final files for different modes.
module.exports = function(config) {
    config.node('pages/index', function(nodeConfig) {
        [ require('enb/techs/levels'), { levels: getLevels(config) } ],
        [ require('enb/techs/file-provider'), { target: '?.bemdecl.js' } ],

      nodeConfig.mode('development', function(nodeConfig) {
          [ require('enb/techs/file-copy'), { sourceTarget: '?.js', destTarget: '_?.js' } ],
          [ require('enb/techs/file-copy'), { sourceTarget: '?.css', destTarget: '_?.css' } ]

      nodeConfig.mode('production', function(nodeConfig) {
          [ require('enb-borschik/techs/borschik'), { sourceTarget: '?.js', destTarget: '_?.js', minify: true } ],
          [ require('enb-borschik/techs/borschik'), { sourceTarget: '?.css', destTarget: '_?.css', minify: true } ]

      nodeConfig.addTargets(['_?.js', '_?.css']);

function getLevels(config) {
    return [
      {path: 'bem-bl/blocks-common', check: false},
      {path: 'bem-bl/blocks-desktop', check: false},
      {path: 'lego/blocks-common', check: false},
      {path: 'lego/blocks-desktop', check: false},
    ].map(function(levelPath) { return config.resolvePath(levelPath); });

Now the final files for the production mode are processed with Borschik. The production mode is started with the YENV=production node_modules/.bin/enb make command.

  1. Building node_modules/.bin/enb make.

Build configuration

module.exports = function(config) {

  // Languages for the project.
  config.setLanguages(['ru', 'en']);

  // Adding a node set to the build.

  // Adding the node to the build + configuring the node.
  config.node('pages/index', function(nodeConfig) {
    // Redefining languages for a particular node.

    // Adding a single technology with options.
    nodeConfig.addTech([ require('enb/techs/file-provider'), { target: '?.bemdecl.js' } ]);

    // Adding multiple technologies.
      [ require('enb/techs/levels'), {
        levels: [
        ].map(function(config) { return config.resolvePath(level); }) // Resolving paths from the project root.

      // Adding a technology with options
      [ require('enb/techs/js'), { target: '?.new.js' } ],

    // Adding one target.

    // Adding multiple targets.
    nodeConfig.addTargets(['?.css', '?.js']);

  // Development mode configuration.
  config.mode('development', function() {
    // Node configuration by mask (regex).
    config.nodeMask(/pages\/.*/, function(nodeConfig) {
        [ require('enb/techs/file-copy'), { sourceTarget: '?.css', destTarget: '_?.css'} ],
        [ require('enb/techs/file-copy'), { sourceTarget: '?.js', destTarget: '_?.js'} ]

  // Production mode configuration.
  config.mode('production', function() {
    // Node configuration by mask (regex).
    config.nodeMask(/pages\/.*/, function(nodeConfig) {
        [ require('enb/techs/borschik'), { sourceTarget: '?.css', destTarget: '_?.css'} ],
        [ require('enb/techs/borschik'), { sourceTarget: '?.js', destTarget: '_?.js'} ]

  // Task registration.
  config.task('i18n.get', function(task) {
    // Running the shell command.

  // Installing environment variables for shell commands.
      PRJ_ROOT        : config.resolvePath(), // Recieving an absolute path to the project folder.
      TANKER_HOST     : '',
      TANKER_PRJ      : 'super-project',
      TANKER_PRJ_REV  : 'master'

On-demand build

Apart from building static files in the dev mode using ENB in express applications, you can build various resources, such as templates, on demand.

If the Node.js application needs to build templates or localization (or something else), you can use the createBuilder method of the lib/server/server-middleware module.

 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {String} options.cdir The root directory of the project.
 * @param {Boolean} options.noLog Don't log the build process in the console.
 * @returns {Function}
module.exports.createBuilder = function(options) { /* ... */ };

Usage example:

var clearRequire = require('clear-require');
var enbBuilder = require('enb/lib/server/server-middleware').createBuilder();
    .get('/', function (req, res, next) {
        var bemhtmlFilePath = 'pages/index/index.bemhtml.js';
        enbBuilder(bemhtmlFilePath).then(function() {
            var bemhtmlAbsFilePath = process.process.cwd() + '/' + bemhtmlFilePath;
            var bemhtml = require(bemhtmlAbsFilePath);
            res.end(bemhtml.BEMHTML.apply({block: 'b-page', content: 'Hello World'}));
        }, next);