Translate, manage and maintain your texts in the browser. Translatron is a server which provides you a file structure to manage your translations.
It supports actually the following features:
- translate from one language into another language by key value
- group keys in categories
- group categories in projects
- group projects in folders
- add comments in a description field for keys, categories or projects
- upload images (screen shots) for categories
- import JSON data into existing projects
- export projects as JSON
- export projects as message bundle format for each locale
- create and delete projects and folders (limited to empty folders)
- create, rename and delete categories
- create, rename, delete and clone keys
- count words for keys and categories
- category/key overview menu
- links to keys or categories
- live synchronization to server
- LDAP authentication (optional)
- ...more coming soon
Provide a HTML editor where the user can write formatted text. This text can be translated in mark down syntax. With this mark down text we can create a key value structure which can be used for the translation. See
Following a overview which features exists.
Available on all views. It contains the breadcrumb navigation and a user panel
- contains a home to navigate to the root folder '/'
- lists of parent folders
- each of them is click able and should link to the folder
- logout button
- user name (if the name is available otherwise it shows "logout")
- about link
- github link
- shows the actual translation tool version
If you have no project selected you see the overview page. In here you see the current folder and projects. In this view you can do the following actions:
- navigate through folders forward and backward
- create a new folder
- edit mode
- delete a folder (admin)
- navigate to project
- create a new project
- edit mode
- delete a project (admin)
- rename a project (admin)
- move a project to another folder (admin)
The view to manage and maintain the translation project and texts
Shows all translation in a column/row design
- translation will be automatically saves if yo leave the text field (save success message appears)
- it shows the number of words
- it shows the number of letters (letters in parentheses {} are not counted in)
At the end of each section you can add a new key
- new key is added as last element in the category
Each category can have one image which can be uploaded
- click on cloud open upload form
- show the image (resize is possible to make it bigger)
- delete is possible in edit mode
- click on image opens it in new tab
Click in the pencil in the menu left activates the edit mode. A lot of pencils appearing in the view which can be clicked to edit adn configure individual elements. Following a overview what is possible:
- the project description is editable (see bellow the project name - pencil right)
can be:
- renamed
- add a individual description
can be:
- renamed
- cloned (copy it to new category)
- delete
- add a individual description
can be:
- deleted
Project configuration panel.
- toggle open/close via the burger icon in header
- shows language flags
- State active (colored) - shows the language
- State inactive (gray) - hides the language
- State add (gray with plus sign) - add the language
- shows the number of translated texts
- create category
- opens create category view
- enable editor buttons
- toggle word count
- export message bundle
- export JSON
- import message bundle
- import JSON
- about translation tool
- github link
Project overview navigation
- shows the actual category and collapse it
- click on category and keys should scroll the element (and highlight them)
If you want use this module in production we offer you to save the project files in a different folder as the translatron installation.
You can add translatron as dependency and create you own node file to start the tool.
var translatron = require('translatron'),
fs = require('fs');
port : 3000, // configure port
fileStorage : {
projectFiles : __dirname + '/translations', // file storage for project fields
images : __dirname + '/images' // file storage for uploaded images
auth : { // configure the LDAP auth
url: 'ldaps://',
bindDn: '...',
bindCredentials: '...',
searchBase: '...',
searchFilter: '...',
tlsOptions: {
ca: [
secret: '...', // used for en- and decrypting server-side sessions
sessionTimeout: 'timeout in milliseconds', // used for setting session expiration (being applied to cookie-property maxAge)
adminGroupId: '...' // enable admin-features (e.g. deleting projects) for user if he/she belongs to this group
Clone this project and execute:
npm install
npm run devsetup
All required modules will be installed.
To start the application just execute the app.js with node. Or run
npm start
There are two types of test:
First a Karma setup with phantomjs which tests the client side code. Run it with:
karma start karma.conf.js
(you need to install karma-cli)
and second a jasmine unit test to test the server side code (see spec/support/jasmine.json for config). Run it with:
(you need to install jasmine)
Or run both with:
npm test
All test files are in the spec folder separated by client and server folder.
Please read the following lines to understood the architecture of the translatron code.
To compile the javascript we use browserify. You can call this in your console:
npm run buildjs-dev
All "web socket" interactions from client to server are managed in here. All controller needs to be registered on trade to be notified about changes (see trade callbacks).
On the client side there exists 3 types of events.
return object of each controller instance can implement the callbacks
This type of events are only for the actual client which makes the server call. It can be seen as direct "callback" which are triggered as answer from the server call.
All controllers can returns a "callback" API which will be registered on the trade. If you send a message via the trade websocket connection to the server trade will wait for the callback and notifier all controllers if the message was send.
E.g. a controller triggered a "add new category" event which adds a new category to a language. The module which managed the statistic to show the number of translated keys needs to be updated. And the category overview module needs to add a new category to the overview list. This event types will be never triggered if a different client makes some changes in his browser. To manages this type of event see next chapter events.
Server events which are triggered from the server side. Mostly used to inform other users that a prject was updated or somethinkg has been changed in the view. E.g.: a other user deletes a key from a project so all other "online" users will be notified about this changes.
UI only events are events which are triggered if the user do anything without a server interaction. Like selecting a language or open a project.
An UI module contains the logic for a HTML component. A module's public API has functions for
- trigger actions in the UI as response to events arriving at the controller (e.g. renderXYZList)
- functions for registering event listeners for events originating in the HTML component (e.g. onParentDirectorySelected).
UI modules are registered with canny (in main.js). In the implementation for canny's ready callback, UI modules will add event listeners which in turn execute the callback.
A controller is the bridge between an UI module and other components (e.g. trade).
Functions in a controller's public API:
- under normal circumstances, a controller's public functions are only callbacks for events coming from trade.
A controller will already register itself at construction time at the corresponding UI module's onXYZTriggered functions. The callback functions passed to these UI module functions will call trade to do the actual work (e.g. calling the server).
trade is the name of the component which handles all calls going to the server, incl. execution of the callback to the server call which notifies interested components about the outcome.
Components register themselves at trade using addController. trade assumes that all public functions of registered components are potential callbacks.
trade supports the following events:
- onNewProjectCreated: informs about creation of a new project, payload is the project object.
- onDirectoryChanged: Not implemented yet, informs about a change of the current directory, payload is the path/id of the new current directory (replaces getDirectory event)
- onNewDirectoryCreated: a new directory has been created. Payload is projectId and parentProjectId
Translatron enables you import translations via uploading JSON files from your local hard disk.
- Open the import dialog/overlay by clicking the beaker-button positioned on the left sidebar's very bottom.
- Drag a JSON file from your favourite window manager onto the drag area of the overlay.
- Optionally click on the drag area to open a file dialogue to browse through your computer's folders/files and chose an appropriate JSON.
To make sure Translatron can process and merge the data with keys of the existing project it has to be structured as follows:
"en": {
"nameOfCategory_keyName": "Content"
"de": {
"nameOfCategory_keyName": "Inhalt"
whereby the json's top level contains objects named by country-code, like "da", "de", "en", "es", "fr", "nl", "sv" and so on (check/update project-configuration for field availableLanguages). Furthermore each country's content is defined by key/value pairs where the keys contain information about
- a category they belong to (visualized by translatron's project-view) and
- the actual key id, separated by an underscore.
As of version 0.4.0 you should also be able to import and export JSONs with a slightly different stucture, e.g.
"en": {
"nameOfCategory": {
"keyName": "Content"
"de": {
"nameOfCategory": {
"keyName": "Inhalt"
So categories are rather stored as objects which hold their associated keys within their bodies than keys expressing their related category through a prefix (see first example above).
For better readability and easier organization of translation files Translatron's JSON export provides two filter options. These options are available through appending query parameters to to the project's json url endpoint.|en|es|fr|sv...
The lang query-parameter returns translations for a given language (represented by country code) as long as the project has stored any data for the requested language. In case it does not you will get back an empty object.
By setting category to true the JSON representation will show categories as objects. Associated keys will be stored as children of those.
- includes error handling if the websocket connetion is lost
- show always the counter
- add character counter (only letters - spaces and developer placeholder lile {{item.placeholder}} are ignored)
- includes ui improvements
- overlays have close button
- overlays gets new design
- bug fixes
List of things which need to be implemented
How it works:
- all projects are saved in one single id-folder [id]/projectName.json
- this file maps the projects to human readable file structure
- project id are unique and will stay as long as the project exists
- project moving will only change the path in the project.json the project ID will be the same
In future it will be possible to save the projects in a database. So we get rid of the file storage
1. load project.json
- id (timestamp unique ID)
- name
- url
- file (theoretically this is the /[id]/[name].json)
- for backward compatible it used the old path
2. JSON upload
- via id in URL
- should work for both types (id and URL)
Backward compatibility
- parse folder tree
- create for each file a md5 (id) - should be always the same
- extends the project.json with this informaition
- saved in same id folder
- url can be the id
- id is in URL (to share the unique link) - /[id]/[name].prj
- breadcrumb will be