RESTful implementation of BusinessNetworkCardStore
const BusinessNetworkConnection = require('composer-client').BusinessNetworkConnection;
const RestfulCardStore = require('restful-cardstore')
let cardStore = new RestfulCardStore('http://localhost:3000/cards', options, reponseCallback);
let businessNetworkConnection = new BusinessNetworkConnection({ cardStore: cardStore });
Default options:
// default options
let options = {
getPath: '',
putPath: '',
hasPath: '',
getAllPath: '',
deletePath: ''
// reponseCallback function gets called on every response
// use this function to locate IdCard inside your response object
// this function needs to return IdCard
// by default callback returns response 'payload'
let reponseCallback = function (apiResponse) {
let cardStore = new RestfulCardStore('your-api-url', options, reponseCallback);
let businessNetworkConnection = new BusinessNetworkConnection({ cardStore: cardStore });