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A high-performance, CPU-optimized tool for computing public keys on the secp256k1 elliptic curve, with features for searching compressed & uncompressed public keys and customizable search parameters.



  • 🍏 Fixed 256-bit modular arithmetic
  • 🔄 Group inversion for point addition operation
  • 🍇 Precomputed table for points multiplication
  • 🔍 Search for compressed & uncompressed public keys (hash160)
  • 🌟 Utilizes SIMD for optimized sha256 (uses SHA extensions, both ARM and Intel)
  • 🍎 Works seamlessly on MacOS and Linux
  • 🔧 Customizable search range and thread count for flexible usage


git clone && cd ecloop
make build

Note: Build has been tested with clang. It may work with gcc14, but this has not been thoroughly tested. If anyone knows how to get this to work with gcc14 or earlier – I'd be happy to get a PR.


Usage: ecloop <cmd> [-t <threads>] [-f <filepath>] [-a <addr_type>] [-r <range>]

Compute commands:
  add             - search in given range with batch addition
  mul             - search hex encoded private keys (from stdin)

Compute options:
  -f <file>       - filter file to search (list of hashes or bloom fitler)
  -o <file>       - output file to write found keys (default: stdout)
  -t <threads>    - number of threads to run (default: 1)
  -a <addr_type>  - address type to search: c - addr33, u - addr65 (default: c)
  -r <range>      - search range in hex format (example: 8000:ffff, default all)
  -q              - quiet mode (no output to stdout; -o required)

Other commands:
  blf-gen         - create bloom filter from list of hex-encoded hash160
  bench           - run benchmark of internal functions
  bench-gtable    - run benchmark of ecc multiplication (with different table size)

Example 1: Check keys in given range (sequential addition)

-f is filter file with hash160 to search. Can be list of hex encoded hashes (one per line) or bloom fitler (must have .blf extension). -t use 4 threads. r – start:end of search range. -o file where found keys should be saved (if not provided stdout fill be used). No -a option provided, so c (compressed) hash160 will be checked.

ecloop add -f data/btc-puzzles-hash -t 4 -r 800000:ffffff -o /tmp/found.txt

Example 2: Check given privkeys list (multiply)

cat privkeys.txt – source of HEX encoded priv keys to search (can be file or generator program). -f – hash160 to search as bloom filter (can have false positive results, but has a much smaller size; eg. all BTC addresses ever used have size ~6GB). -a – what type of hash160 to search (c – compressed, u – uncopressed, cu check both). -t use 8 threads.

cat privkeys.txt | ecloop mul -f data/btc-puzzles.blf -a cu -t 4

ecloop can also take a raw word list and automatically hash it with sha256. Use -raw flag to it.

cat wordlist.txt | ecloop mul -f data/btc-puzzles.blf -a cu -t 4 -raw

Example 3: Generating bloom filter

cat reads the list of hex-encoded hash160 values from a file. -n specifies the number of entries for the Bloom filter (count of hashes). -o defines the output where to write filter (.blf extension requried).

Bloom filter uses p = 0.000001 (1 in 1,000,000 false positive). You can adjusting this option by playing with n. See Bloom Filter Calculator. List of all addressed can be found here.

cat data/btc-puzzles-hash | ecloop blf-gen -n 1024 -o /tmp/test.blf

Then created bloom filter can be used in ecloop as filter:

ecloop add -f /tmp/test.blf -t 4 -r 8000:ffffff

Note: Bloom filter works with both add and mul commands.


Get performance of different function for single thread:

ecloop bench

Should print output like:

     _ec_jacobi_add1: 6.52M it/s ~ 0.92s
     _ec_jacobi_add2: 5.26M it/s ~ 1.14s
     _ec_jacobi_dbl1: 5.42M it/s ~ 1.11s
     _ec_jacobi_dbl2: 7.57M it/s ~ 0.79s
       ec_jacobi_mul: 0.02M it/s ~ 0.57s
       ec_gtable_mul: 0.29M it/s ~ 1.73s
       ec_affine_add: 0.30M it/s ~ 1.67s
       ec_affine_dbl: 0.30M it/s ~ 1.69s
   _fe_modinv_binpow: 0.20M it/s ~ 0.51s
   _fe_modinv_addchn: 0.31M it/s ~ 0.32s
              addr33: 4.95M it/s ~ 1.01s
              addr65: 4.41M it/s ~ 1.14s


This project is written to learn the math over elliptic curves in cryptocurrencies. Functionality as a search for Bitcoin Puzzles is added as a real-world use case.

Cudos to

See also