# Django Ecommerce API An E-commerce API built using Django Rest Framework. ## Basic Features - Registration using either phone number or email https://github.com/earthcomfy/drf-phone-email-auth - Basic E-commerce features. - Custom permissions set for necessary endpoints. - Payment integration using Stripe. - Documentation using [DRF Spectacular](https://drf-spectacular.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) - Dockerized for local development and production ## Technologies Used - Django Rest Framework - PostgreSQL - Celery - Redis - Nginx - Docker - Stripe ## ER Diagram Here is the Entity-Relationship diagram generated using https://dbdiagram.io/ ![ER-Diagram](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66206865/192154014-3299110f-9ab7-4bd2-9dc0-aa6790074ed9.png) ## Getting Started Clone this repository to your local machine and rename the `.env.example` file found in the root directory of the project to `.env` and update the environment variables accordingly. ``` $ docker-compose up $ docker-compose exec web python manage.py createsuperuser ``` Navigate to http://localhost:8000/admin/