> build
> bin/sdlang lex sample.sdl
> bin/sdlang parse sample.sdl
> bin/sdlang to-sdl sample.sdl
Or, you can use DUB:
> dub build
> (...same as above...)
> build-unittest
> bin/sdlang-unittest
Or, you can use DUB:
> dub build --config=unittest
> bin/sdlang-unittest
Make sure ddox is installed and on the PATH. Then, run:
> build-docs
Finally, open 'docs/index.html' in your browser.
Project files for Programmer's Notepad 2 are included. Just open SDLang-D.ppg
As of SDLang-D v0.8.2, SDLang-D is a DUB package and is available in the DUB registry. The package name is sdlang-d
All you have to do to use SDLang-D in your DUB-based project is include the following in your project's package.json
"dependencies": {
"sdlang-d": "==0.8.3"