Open issues for the design and implementation of this feature can be found at
Pattern matching extensions for C# enable many of the benefits of algebraic data types and pattern matching from functional languages, but in a way that smoothly integrates with the feel of the underlying language. The basic features are: record types, which are types whose semantic meaning is described by the shape of the data (treated as a separate feature); and pattern matching, which is a new form that enables extremely concise multilevel decomposition of these data types. Elements of this approach are inspired by related features in the programming languages F# and Scala.
The is
operator is extended to test an expression against a pattern.
: relational_expression 'is' pattern
: is_pattern_expression
This form of relational_expression is in addition to the existing forms in the C# specification. It is a compile-time error if the relational_expression to the left of the is
token does not designate a value or does not have a type.
A constant_pattern appearing as the right-hand-side of an is_pattern_expression is syntactically restricted to be a shift_expression, even though a constant_pattern appearing elsewhere can syntactically be any expression. For simplicity that restriction is not shown in the grammar.
Every identifier of the pattern introduces a new local variable that is definitely assigned after the is
operator is true
(i.e. definitely assigned when true).
Note: There is technically an ambiguity between type in an
and constant_pattern in an is_pattern_expression, either of which might be a valid parse of a qualified identifier. We try to bind it as a type for compatibility with previous versions of the language; only if that fails do we resolve it as a constant pattern.
Patterns are used in the is
operator and in a switch_statement to express the shape of data against which incoming data is to be compared. Patterns may be recursive so that parts of the data may be matched against sub-patterns.
: declaration_pattern
| constant_pattern
| deconstruction_pattern
| property_pattern
| discard_pattern
| var_pattern
: type simple_designation
: constant_expression
: type? property_subpattern simple_designation?
: '{' subpatterns? '}'
: subpattern
| subpattern ',' subpatterns
: pattern
| identifier ':' pattern
: type? '(' subpatterns? ')' property_subpattern? simple_designation?
: single_variable_designation
| discard_designation
: discard_designation
: 'var' designation
It is a semantic error if any subpattern of a property_pattern does not contain an identifier (it must be of the second form, which has an identifier).
There is no special "null-checking pattern", as the ability to check for null falls out as a special case of a trivial property pattern. To check if the string s
is non-null, you can write any of the following forms
if (s is object o) ... // o is of type object
if (s is string x) ... // x is of type string
if (s is {} x) ... // x is of type string
if (s is {}) ...
Every pattern is bound against a hypothetical input operand. In the case of an is_pattern_expression, that is the value of the left-hand-side. In the case of a branch of a switch
statement, it is the switch expression. In the case of a nested pattern, it is the result of extracting the relevant value from the enclosing object.
The type_pattern both tests that the input operand holds a value of a given type and casts it to that type if the test succeeds. This introduces a local variable of the given type named by the simple_designation. That local variable is definitely assigned when the result of the pattern-matching operation is true.
: type simple_designation
The runtime semantic of this expression is that it tests the runtime type of the input operand against the type in the pattern. If it is of that runtime type (or some subtype), the result of the is operator
is true
. If the simple_designation is a single_variable_designation, then it declares a new local variable named by the identifier that is assigned the value of the input operand when the result is true
Certain combinations of static type of the left-hand-side and the given type are considered incompatible and result in compile-time error. A value of static type E
is said to be pattern compatible with the type T
if there exists an identity conversion, an implicit reference conversion, a boxing conversion, an explicit reference conversion, or an unboxing conversion from E
to T
. It is a compile-time error if an expression of type E
is not pattern compatible with the type in a type pattern that it is matched with.
Note: this is not quite correct for type parameters, which should be considered pattern compatible always.
The type pattern is useful for performing run-time type tests of reference types, and replaces the idiom
Type v;
if (value is Type)
v = (Type)value;
var v = expr as Type;
if (v != null) { // code using v }
With the slightly more concise
if (expr is Type v) { // code using v }
It is an error if type is a nullable value type.
The type pattern can be used to test values of nullable types: a value of type Nullable<T>
(or a boxed T
) matches a type pattern T2 id
if the value is non-null and the type of T2
is T
, or some base type or interface of T
. For example, in the code fragment
int? x = 3;
if (x is int v) { // code using v }
The condition of the if
statement is true
at runtime and the variable v
holds the value 3
of type int
A constant pattern tests the value of an expression against a constant value. The constant may be any constant expression, such as a literal, the name of a declared const
variable, or an enumeration constant.
If both e and c are of integral types, the pattern is considered matched if the result of the expression e == c
is true
Otherwise the pattern is considered matching if object.Equals(c, e)
returns true
. In this case it is a compile-time error if the static type of e is not pattern compatible with the type of the constant.
: constant_expression
: 'var' designation
An input operand matches the pattern var identifier
always. In other words, a match to a var pattern with a simple_designator always succeeds. At runtime the value of the input operand is bound to a newly introduced local variable. The type of the local variable is the static type of the input operand.
It is an error if the name var
binds to a type where a var_pattern is used.
Note: we need to describe the semantics when the designation is a tuple_designation.
An input operand matches the discard _
always. In other words, every expression matches the discard pattern.
: type? property_subpattern simple_designation?
: '{' subpatterns? '}'
: subpattern
| subpattern ',' subpatterns
: pattern
| identifier ':' pattern
A property pattern tests the input operand to see if it is an instance of a given type, and also tests some of its accessible properties or fields to see if they match given subpatterns.
The type to be tested is selected as follows:
- If there is a type part of the property_pattern, then that is the type to be tested. The type must not be a nullable value type.
- Otherwise if the input operand is not a nullable value type, its static type is used.
- Otherwise the underlying type of the input operand's type is used.
The simple_designation, if it is a single_variable_designation, names a newly introduced variable of this type.
Each of the subpatterns appearing int the property_subpattern specifies a property or field to be checked. The subpattern must be of the second form, with the identifier present. The identifier must name an accessible and readable instance property or field of the type to be tested.
At runtime, a subpattern is satisfied if the value of that property or field, when treated as the input operand of the subpattern's pattern, matches.
A property pattern matches if the type test succeeds and all subpatterns are satisfied. The order in which subpatterns are matched is not specified, and a failed match may not test all subpatterns at runtime.
A deconstruction pattern is similar to a property_pattern, but involves the deconstruction of a tuple or the invocation of a user-defined Deconstruct method.
: type? '(' subpatterns? ')' property_subpattern? simple_designation?
It is an error if a deconstruction pattern has a single subpattern but omits the type.
The type to be tested is determined as in the property_pattern. That type must be a tuple type whose cardinality is the same as the number of subpatterns between parentheses, or it must be a type that contains a unique Deconstruct
method with that number of out
parameters, as defined for the deconstruction assignment feature.
A subpattern between parentheses in a deconstruction_pattern is satisfied if the value retrieved from the input operand's deconstruction for that position, when treated as the input operand for the corresponding pattern, matches. If such a subpattern has an identifier, it is a compile-time error if that is not the name of the corresponding tuple element or Deconstruct
A deconstruction pattern matches if the type test succeeds and all subpatterns are satisfied. The order in which subpatterns are matched is not specified, and a failed match may not test all subpatterns at runtime.
Note: this specification does not yet treat
for positional matching.
A switch_expression is added to support switch
-like semantics for an expression context.
The C# language syntax is augmented with the following syntactic productions:
: null_coalescing_expression switch '{' switch_expression_case_list '}'
: switch_expression_case
| switch_expression_case_list ',' switch_expression_case
: pattern where_clause? '=>' expression
The switch_expression is not allowed as an expression_statement.
The type of the switch_expression is the best common type of the expressions appearing to the right of the =>
tokens of the switch_expression_cases.
It is an error if the compiler can prove (using a set of techniques that has not yet been specified) that some switch_section's pattern cannot affect the result because some previous pattern will always match.
At runtime, the result of the switch_expression is the value of the expression of the first switch_expression_case for which the expression on the left-hand-side of the switch_expression matches the switch_expression_case's pattern, and for which the expression of the where_clause of the switch_expression_case, if present, evaluates to true
Note: we need to specify what happens if the set of cases is incomplete, both at compile-time and at runtime.
Suppose we define a set of recursive types to represent expressions (per a separate proposal):
abstract class Expr;
class X() : Expr;
class Const(double Value) : Expr;
class Add(Expr Left, Expr Right) : Expr;
class Mult(Expr Left, Expr Right) : Expr;
class Neg(Expr Value) : Expr;
Now we can define a function to compute the (unreduced) derivative of an expression:
Expr Deriv(Expr e)
switch (e) {
case X(): return Const(1);
case Const(_): return Const(0);
case Add(var Left, var Right):
return Add(Deriv(Left), Deriv(Right));
case Mult(var Left, var Right):
return Add(Mult(Deriv(Left), Right), Mult(Left, Deriv(Right)));
case Neg(var Value):
return Neg(Deriv(Value));
An expression simplifier demonstrates positional patterns:
Expr Simplify(Expr e)
switch (e) {
case Mult(Const(0), _): return Const(0);
case Mult(_, Const(0)): return Const(0);
case Mult(Const(1), var x): return Simplify(x);
case Mult(var x, Const(1)): return Simplify(x);
case Mult(Const(var l), Const(var r)): return Const(l*r);
case Add(Const(0), var x): return Simplify(x);
case Add(var x, Const(0)): return Simplify(x);
case Add(Const(var l), Const(var r)): return Const(l+r);
case Neg(Const(var k)): return Const(-k);
default: return e;