This document is a template that covers the expectations and responsibilities of any organisation acting in support of the community maintained Australian Government Design System. It complements the project's Charter and Code of Conduct and should capture any specific supporting activities agreed on by the two parties. A list of current supporting organisations with agreements based on this template is maintained in the Partners directory.
Agreement date: {DD Month Year}
This document is an agreement between the Steering Committee, and {Supporting Organisation} - represented by {Contact name, role & github account}, covering activities performed in support of the community maintained Australian Government Design System.
{Supporting Organisation} are responsible for:
- Working in the open and communicating with transparency about their role in support of the Design System
- Helping raise awareness of the Design System and its community supported model with existing and potential users
- Sharing feedback with the Steering Committee
- (delete or add points below as agreed)
- Granting time and resources for their employees to work on Design System maintenance tasks
- Providing expert advice to the Steering Committee on specific issues
- Providing financial support to help cover costs incurred in managing and supporting the Design System and associated community events
The Steering Committee are responsible for:
- Keeping {Supporting Organisation} informed of forthcoming activities and decisions made which are relevant to {Supporting Organisation}'s work, via communication in this repository and our Slack community
- Governance of {Supporting Organisation}'s conduct in support of the Design System
- Making the broader community aware of {Supporting Organisation}'s involvement
- {Insert any specific additions agreed upon here}
Conduct of both parties and how we collaborate is governed at all times by our Charter and Code of Conduct and this agreement does not supersede any of those conditions.