Simple CLI to keep track of what I did. Data is stored in a text file, and the format is quite simple.
idid new : create a new idid entry
idid what : displayes what you did last period lastday|lastweek|lastmonth
- Make storage file configurable
- Optional date argument for new
- Pretty printing
- Group by date
- Colored output
- stack needs to be install.
git clone [email protected]:dbalan/idid.git
cd idid/
stack setup
stack build
stack install
I did what?
Usage: idid [--filepath FILEPATH] COMMAND
I did what is a simple CLI to track things that you do, the program has
command, one to record a small msg what you did and one to list all the things
you did for given last period
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
--filepath FILEPATH file to store data (default: "~/.ididwhat.txt")
Available commands:
new new idid entry
what list what I did
- Example session
$ idid new some stuff
$ idid what lastweek
1. fixed idid codebase to accept file as an argument
1. some stuff
Pull requests welcome!
Uses semantic versioning.