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Konclik: Kotlin/Native Command Line Interface Kit

Build Status

Konclik is a library for the development of a CLI application.

Why Konclik?

  • Provides a simple yet useful Kotlin DSL to define the application
  • Built with Kotlin's Multi-platform Project tools so you can write once and run everywhere
  • Targets Linux, Windows, MacOS, Jvm, and NodeJS


  • The newest version of Konclik is 0.6.0
  • All changes are documented in the CHANGELOG


Issues, contributions and suggestions are very welcome. Please report bugs, improvements and new features with an issue, so we can discuss the next steps.

Project structure

This project uses the new MPP plugin, the root contains Konclik's core source in the src directory. In addition to the core, the following submodules are available.

  • example: An example, which demonstrates a Konclik app targeting MacOS, Linux, Windows, Jvm, and NodeJS.


Konclik is published to bintray and can easily be integrated into an existing project.


repositories {
    maven {
        url ""
    // Other repos like:


dependencies {
    // With Gradle Metadata enabled, all targets can depend on
    implementation "de.dbaelz.konclik:konclik:0.6.0"
    // All artifacts are available with the -target suffix
    implementation "de.dbaelz.konclik:konclik-macos:0.6.0"
    implementation "de.dbaelz.konclik:konclik-linux:0.6.0"
    implementation "de.dbaelz.konclik:konclik-windows:0.6.0"
    implementation "de.dbaelz.konclik:konclik-jvm:0.6.0"
    implementation "de.dbaelz.konclik:konclik-js:0.6.0"

Available tasks

Note: If the Host machine does not support a specific target, that target's tasks will simply be ignored.

The following Gradle tasks are available:

  • Testing: jsTest, macosTest, jvmTest, linuxTest, windowsTest
  • publish: Publish to bintray, replace the publishing url with your own repository.
  • publishToMavenLocal: Publish a version to your local machine, available in the mavenLocal() repository
  • Example App: example:runMacos, example:runJar, example:runLinux, example:runWindows, example:runNodejs

Konclik DSL Example

This project provides an example, which shows the usage of the DSL.

The current DSL is WIP, but suitable to build effective CLI applications. It provides KDoc to explain the usage. A short overview of the components:

  • konclikApp: The CLI app
    • The app provides optional metadata (name, description and version)
    • A app consists of one or more command entries
    • Use run() to parse the provided CLI args and execute the command with these args
    • The app provides a help output showing the available commands, when a invalid command was entered
    • It prints a version info with --version
  • command:
    • It's identified by its name. The description is optional
    • parameters can be defined for the command. They evaluated in the following order:
      • arguments: Positional arguments, internally evaluated by the order of the list
      • options: Options are optional and could be switch or value parameters
    • The action consists of the logic to execute for the command
    • By default, parser errors are printed to standard out. With onError this can be changed and custom error handling is possible
    • The command prints a help page with --help and returns


Apache 2 License