## Under construction A Discord bot with useful utilities for the [`dart_community` Discord server][discord]. ## Features ### `/ping` The `ping` command checks the bot is online and displays some latency metrics. ### `/show-lint` The `show-lint` command displays information about a given linter rule from https://dart.dev/tools/linter-rules. ### Dartdoc search `dash_bot` will parse messages for references to API elements or packages from https://pub.dev and provide a link to that element. Searches can be embedded in any text message and their syntax is as follows: - `![Name]` or `![package/Name]`: Return the documentation for `Name` in Flutter's or `package`'s API documentation. - `?[Name]` or `?[package/Name]`: Search for `Name` in Flutter's or `package`'s API documentation. - `$[name]`: Return the pub.dev page for the package `name`. - `&[name]`: Search pub.dev for `name`. ## Running dash_bot If you can use `dart:mirrors` (i.e during development), simply set the `BOT_TOKEN` environment variable to your bot's token and run `bin/dash_bot.dart`. You can also optionally set the `BOT_PREFIX` environment variable to enable running the bot's command using messages like `!ping` instead of Discord's slash commands. To create an executable, run `dart run nyxx_commands:compile -o bin/dash_bot.g.dart --no-compile bin/dash_bot.dart`. This will create a file at `bin/dash_bot.g.dart` that contains a `main()` function and should be used as the entrypoint when compiling `dash_bot` using `dart compile ...`. [discord]: https://dartcommunity.dev/discord