# django-q-rollbar A [Django Q](https://github.com/Koed00/django-q/) Error Reporter plugin adding [Rollbar](https://rollbar.com/) support. ### Installation This plugin is intended to be included with Django Q as [setuptools extra](https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setuptools.html#declaring-extras-optional-features-with-their-own-dependencies). `$ pip install django-q[rollbar]` Or add `django-q[rollbar]` to `requirements.txt`. > This plugin requires Django Q version 0.8.1 or greater. Earlier versions of Django Q can incorporate rollbar support via the `rollbar` key in the `Q_CLUSTER` settings dictionary. ### Usage Configure Rollbar via the Django Q `Q_CLUSTER` dictionary in your Django project's `settings.py`. It is important that the `rollbar` key be set in the `error_reporter` dictionary, as this name aligns with the project's entry point for this plugin. ```python Q_CLUSTER = { 'error_reporter': { 'rollbar': { 'access_token': '32we33a92a5224jiww8982', 'environment': 'Django-Q' } } } ``` Please check the [Pyrollbar configuration reference](https://rollbar.com/docs/notifier/pyrollbar/) for more options. Additional options defined in `Q_CLUSTER` are passed directly as kwargs to Pyrollbar's `rollbar.init`. Of course, you will need a Rollbar account and access token to use this plugin.