.. _installation: Installation ============ .. note:: PyWPS is not tested on the MS Windows platform. Please join the development team if you need this platform to be supported. This is mainly because of the lack of a multiprocessing library. It is used to process asynchronous execution, i.e., when making requests storing the response document and updating a status document displaying the progress of execution. Dependencies and requirements ----------------------------- PyWPS runs on Python 2.7, 3.3 or higher. PyWPS is currently tested and developed on Linux (mostly Ubuntu). In the documentation we take this distribution as reference. Prior to installing PyWPS, Git and the Python bindings for GDAL must be installed in the system. In Debian based systems these packages can be installed with a tool like *apt*:: $ sudo apt-get install git python-gdal Alternatively, if GDAL is already installed on your system you can install the GDAL Python bindings via pip with:: $ pip install GDAL==1.10.0 --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-I/usr/include/gdal" Download and install -------------------- Using pip The easiest way to install PyWPS is using the Python Package Index (PIP). It fetches the source code from the repository and installs it automatically in the system. This might require superuser permissions (e.g. *sudo* in Debian based systems):: $ sudo pip install -e git+https://github.com/geopython/pywps.git@master#egg=pywps-dev .. todo:: * document Debian / Ubuntu package support Manual installation Manual installation of PyWPS requires `downloading `_ the source code followed by usage of the `setup.py` script. An example again for Debian based systems (note the usage of `sudo` for install):: $ tar zxf pywps-x.y.z.tar.gz $ cd pywps-x.y.z/ Then install the package dependencies using pip:: $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ pip install -r requirements-gdal.txt # for GDAL Python bindings (if python-gdal is not already installed by `apt-get`) $ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt # for developer tasks To install PyWPS system-wide run:: $ sudo python setup.py install For Developers Installation of the source code using Git and Python's virtualenv tool:: $ virtualenv my-pywps-env $ cd my-pywps-env $ source bin/activate $ git clone https://github.com/geopython/pywps.git $ cd pywps Then install the package dependencies using pip as described in the Manual installation section. To install PyWPS:: $ python setup.py install Note that installing PyWPS via a virtualenv environment keeps the installation of PyWPS and its dependencies isolated to the virtual environment and does not affect other parts of the system. This installation option is handy for development and / or users who may not have system-wide administration privileges. .. _demo: The demo service and its sample processes ----------------------------------------- To use PyWPS the user must code processes and publish them through a service. A demo service is available that makes up a good starting point for first time users. This launches a very simple built-in server (relying on `flask `_), which is good enough for testing but probably not appropriate for production. It can be cloned directly into the user area:: $ git clone https://github.com/geopython/pywps-demo.git It may be run right away through the `demo.py` script. First time users should start by studying the demo project structure and then code their own processes. Full more details please consult the :ref:`process` section. The `demo` service contains some basic processes too, so you could get started with some examples (like `area`, `buffer`, `feature_count` and `grassbuffer`). These processes are to be taken just as inspiration and code documentation - most of them do not make any sense (e.g. `sayhello`).