Steps to reproduce:
- Use RStudio to start a new project of type package in an empty folder. I created the empty folder at
like this:
- Add the line "Imports: dm" to the DESCRIPTION file
- Install the package (Build|Install Package)
- Type "pkgdown:::build_site_external()" in the console (Or choose "Build pkgdown" from the Addins menu)
Expected result:
- Browser window opens with a (very rudimentary) pkgdown site for the new package
Actual result:
! in callr subprocess.
Caused by error in `load_imports(path)`:
ℹ See `$stdout` for standard output.
Type .Last.error to see the more details.
Here is the output from .Last.error
! in callr subprocess.
Caused by error in `load_imports(path)`:
ℹ See `$stdout` for standard output.
1. pkgdown:::build_site_external()
2. callr::r(function(..., cli_colors, pkgdown_internet) { …
3. callr:::get_result(output = out, options)
4. callr:::throw(callr_remote_error(remerr, output), parent = fix_msg(remerr[[3]]))
Subprocess backtrace:
1. pkgdown::build_site(...)
2. pkgdown:::build_site_local(pkg = pkg, examples = examples, run_dont_run = run_dont_run, …
3. pkgdown::build_reference(pkg, lazy = lazy, examples = examples, run_dont_run = run_dont_…
4. pkgdown:::examples_env(pkg, seed = seed, devel = devel)
5. pkgload::load_all(pkg$src_path, export_all = FALSE, helpers = FALSE, …
6. pkgload:::load_imports(path)
7. pkgload:::deps_check_installed(path, imports)
8. rlang::check_installed(pkg, action = action, call = call)
9. base::stop(cnd)
10. global (function (e) …
- This issue prevents constructing pkgdown documentation websites for packages that
Imports: dm
- None known at this time.
Additional information:
- All other imported packages that I tried work correctly. For example,
- "Imports: magrittr" works
- "Imports: stringi" works
- Any time "dm" is included in the Imports: field, the error occurs.
- "Imports: magrittr, dm" fails
- "Imports: stringi, dm" fails
Machine, OS, etc:
- macOS Sonoma 14.1.1
- R 4.3.2
- RStudio 2023.12.1+402
- dm 1.0.10
- pkgdown 2.0.7
No labels