- fix(rxjs-run): use peerDependencies to avoid dependency shadowing (#905) (4683894), closes #905 #902
- fix(rxjs-run): support TypeScript's strict mode (e4fe427)
- If you use JavaScript, there are no breaking changes. If you use TypeScript, this package may not work anymore with versions of TS below 3.1.
- refactor(rxjs-run): move rxjs-run tooling to pnpm (38ad9d6)
- rxjs-run: always require symbol-observable polyfill (e1e0095)
- rxjs-run: require rxjs 6 or higher (ca96d91)
- rxjs-run: compitible with RXJS6 (67edc22)
- rxjs-run: depend on run v4 (4032e40)
- rxjs-run: Like Cycle run() v4, RxJS run() will not anymore execute synchronously once the run() function is called, instead it will schedule sink emissions as microtasks that happen as soon as the current event loop scripts are completed.
- rxjs-run: reduce ambiguity in package.json dependencies (6aeac83)
- rxjs-run: optimize bundle size of rxjs (7224237)
- rxjs-run: Consumer will need to add operators individually.
- rxjs-run: catch less impossible-to-satisfy TypeScript errors (681c783)
- rxjs-run: check for matching stream types in sinks and drivers (7c7c743)
- rxjs-run: If you are using JavaScript, literally nothing changes. If you are using TypeScript, this version may detect more errors than before, and may break (by not compiling) your existing code if your existing code happened to have a sneaky bug.
- rxjs-run: type check keyof drivers and main with TypeScript 2.2 (1d72b64)
- rxjs-run: If you are using JavaScript, literally nothing has changed, and this is not a breaking release. However, if you are using TypeScript, this version may catch errors and typos that previous Cycle Run versions didnt. Also, this version expects that if Sinks of main() are typed, they must be a type alias, not an interface. Usually you should leave the Sinks object implicitly typed, but we also support type aliases if you want to explicitly type them.
- rxjs-run: use non-rc cycle/run dependency (21751cb)
See the changelog for all the rc
versions of v4.0.0.
- rxjs-run: update cycle/run to 1.0.0-rc.9 (7209814)
- rxjs-run: update run to v1.0.0-rc.8 (2877010)
- rxjs-run: use run v1.0.0-rc.7 (dab8bb5)
- rxjs-run: use run rc6, where sinks are not adapted (93af810)
- rxjs-run: remove dependency on types/es6-promise (e3d31ef)
- rxjs-run: correctly depend on rxjs-adapter v3.1 (b039cf4)
- rxjs-run: update dependency cycle/base to v4.2 (976a182)
- rxjs-run: fix major versions of dependencies (d568161)