[tool.isort] profile = "black" forced_separate = ["tests"] line_length = 100 skip_gitignore = true # align tool behavior with Black extend_skip=[ # Correctly ordering the imports in serverless functions would # require a pyproject.toml in every function; don't bother with it for now. "serverless", # Sorting the imports in this file causes test failures; # TODO: fix them and remove this ignore. "cvat/apps/dataset_manager/formats/registry.py", ] [tool.black] line-length = 100 target-version = ['py39'] extend-exclude = """ # TODO: get rid of these ^/cvat/apps/( dataset_manager/( annotation.py |apps.py |bindings.py |formats/ |project.py |serializers.py |task.py |tests/test_formats.py |tests/test_rest_api_formats.py |util.py |views.py ) |engine/( admin.py |apps.py |backup.py |cloud_provider.py |filters.py |handlers.py |location.py |log.py |media_extractors.py |middleware.py |migrations/ |mime_types.py |mixins.py |models.py |pagination.py |parsers.py |permissions.py |plugins.py |renderers.py |rq_job_handler.py |schema.py |serializers.py |signals.py |task.py |tests/ |urls.py |utils.py |view_utils.py |views.py ) ) | ^/cvat/settings/ | ^/serverless/ """