# mayktso
Encounters at an endpoint.
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## About
* HTTP server and command-line RDF tool to get/send, serialise data.
* Server can receive HTTP `HEAD`, `OPTIONS`, `GET`, `POST`, `PUT` requests.
Content negotiation with `text/turtle`, `application/ld+json`, `text/html`,
`application/xhtml+xml`. It can serialize from HTML+RDFa, but does not serialize
* Spec coverage:
* Tested: Conforming [Linked Data Notifications](https://www.w3.org/TR/ldn/) sender, receiver, sender.
* Untested: [Linked Data Platform](https://www.w3.org/TR/ldp/) - probably does most things, and only BasicContainer.
* Totally untested and probably only small parts: [Web Annotation Protocol](https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-protocol/)
* Basic implementation of the the [ActiviyPub](https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/) Outbox mechanism.
* No authenication/authorisation mechanism
* Basic configuration to set constraints on a directory (size/max)
* Basic configuration to handle stuff like https://linkedresearch.org/cloud
This server was initially built for LDN tests but then decided to support/test [dokieli](https://dokie.li/)'s needs (source: https://github.com/linkeddata/dokieli) and do LDP etc.
Dive into [issues](https://github.com/csarven/mayktso/issues) because it is fun.
## Docker
If you use [Docker](https://www.docker.com/), try the image [csarven/mayktso](https://hub.docker.com/r/csarven/mayktso/builds/):
docker run -p 3000:3000 -d csarven/mayktso
### Persistent Docker container
docker volume create mayktso-data
docker run --name mayktso --restart=always \
--mount source=mayktso-data,target=/mayktso \
-p 3000:3000 \
-d csarven/mayktso
To update:
docker pull csarven/mayktso
docker stop mayktso
docker rm mayktso
.. then recreate using the `docker run` from above.
## Installation from source
$ git clone https://github.com/csarven/mayktso
$ cd mayktso
$ npm install
## Receiver
Server runs on http://localhost:3000/ by default:
$ node index.js
### Config
Optional config use: `cp config.json.default config.json`
"port": "3000",
"sslKey": "/path/to/privkey.pem",
"sslCert": "/path/to/cert.pem",
"proxyURL": "http://example.org/proxy?uri=",
"rootPath": ".",
"basePath": "",
"inboxPath": "inbox/",
"queuePath": "queue/",
"maxPayloadSize": 100000,
"maxResourceCount": 10,
* Defaults will be used for omitted key/values (except `sslKey`/`sslCert` are
* `basePath` is useful when running as a reverse proxy in a dedicated directory
(e.g., Apache)
ProxyPass /foo/ https://localhost:3000/
ProxyPassReverse /foo/ https://localhost:3000/
so that http://example.org/foo/bar resolves, otherwise, server only sees /bar
e.g., `basePath: "/foo/bar/"`
* `inboxPath` and `queuePath` are relative to root e.g.,
* queue is used for HTTP 202 responses (default for payload above maxPayloadSize
in bytes). Status: Testing
* `rootPath` defaults to the current directory (`.`) or a full path can be
specified. Requests are relative to this location.
* `maxPayloadSize` is for POSTs (as the name suggests)
* `maxResourceCount` is for number of notifications to keep in inbox/ or queue
* Simple data shape check that's based off https://linkedresearch.org/cloud 's
needs. It is triggered by having a line like this
`"checkDataShape": [ { "uri": "inbox/linkedresearch.org/cloud/" } ]`. This needs
to be better documented and built further.
## Sender and Consumer
### Command line
$ node index.js --help
mayktso: https://github.com/csarven/mayktso
* Running without parameter/option starts server, otherwise:
* Usage: node index.js [parameter] [options]