[cljsjs/fraction "4.1.1-0"] ;; latest release
This jar comes with deps.cljs
as used by the [Foreign Libs][flibs] feature
of the ClojureScript compiler. After adding the above dependency to your project
you can require the packaged library like so:
(ns application.core
(:require cljsjs.fraction))
This package also supports :global-exports
(ns application.core
(:require ["fraction.js" :as frac]))
This works too:
(ns application.core
(:require [cljsjs.fraction :as frac]))
Fraction is a rational number library written in JavaScript.
Tired of inprecise numbers represented by doubles, which have to store rational and irrational numbers like PI or sqrt(2) the same way? Obviously the following problem is preventable:
1 / 98 * 98 // = 0.9999999999999999
If you need more precision or just want a fraction as a result, have a look at Fraction.js:
var Fraction = require('fraction.js');
Fraction(1).div(98).mul(98) // = 1
Internally, numbers are represented as numerator / denominator, which adds just a little overhead. However, the library is written with performance in mind and outperforms any other implementation, as you can see here. This basic data-type makes it the perfect basis for Polynomial.js and Math.js.
Example usage from Clojurescript:
(ns example.core
(:require ["fraction.js" :as frac]))
(extend-type frac
(-equiv [this other]
(.equals this other)))
(defn fraction
[num denom]
(frac. num denom))
(= (fraction 50 100)
(fraction 1 2))
;; => true