Recent(2019-2023) papers about Recommender Systems at top-tier conferences*.
Based on individual research interests, I collected and created mind maps from the following two lists of papers:
Papers from top-tier conferences* in the field of recommender systems in recent years (2019-2023) with a focus on topics such as recommendation bias, fairness, diversity, cold-start problems, and ensemble methods.
Best papers from top data mining conferences* in recent years (2020-2023), particularly those related to recommender systems.
I hope this can help researchers interested in these fields save time on their searches.
❤️Contributions and suggestions for high-quality papers that may have been overlooked are also greatly appreciated, especially those related to the areas mentioned in point 1.
* top-tier conferences: KDD, NIPS, SIGIR, ICML, ICLR, IJCAI, WWW, CIKM, WSDM, RecSys.