Process and generate regions
regions [ -hqJPRT [ args ] ]...
Process regions, which are bounding-boxes made up of corner coordiates in the format x-min/x-max/y-min/y-max
-R, --region
The desired REGION
Where a REGION is xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax[/zmin/zmax[/wmin/wmax/umin/umax]]
Use '-' to indicate no bounding range; e.g. -R -/-/-/-/-10/10/1/-/-/-
OR an OGR-compatible vector file with regional polygons.
Where the REGION is /path/to/vector[:zmin/zmax[/wmin/wmax/umin/umax]].
If a vector file is supplied, will use each region found therein.
-J, --s_srs
Set the SOURCE projection.
-P, --t_srs
Set the TARGET projection.
-T, --tile_set
Generate a TILESET from the input region. (set incrememnt here)
-B, --buffer
BUFFER the region with a buffer-value.
-e, --echo
ECHO the region
-n, --name
Print the region as a NAME
-m, --merge
MERGE all regions into a single region
Lower the verbosity to a quiet
Print the usage text
Print the version information