A variety of exporters are available to the OpenCensus Service (both Agent and Collector)
The Collector features intelligent (tail-based) sampling. In addition to different configuration options it features a variety of different policies.
mode: tail
# amount of time from seeing the first span in a trace until making the sampling decision
decision-wait: 10s
# maximum number of traces kept in the memory
num-traces: 10000
# user-defined policy name
# exporters the policy applies to
- jaeger
- omnition
policy: rate-limiting
spans-per-second: 1000
- jaeger
- omnition
policy: string-attribute-filter
key: key1
- value1
- value2
- jaeger
- omnition
policy: numeric-attribute-filter
key: key1
min-value: 0
max-value: 100
- jaeger
- omnition
policy: always-sample
In addition to the normal exporters
, the OpenCensus Collector supports a special configuration.
offer bounded buffer retry logic for multiple destinations.
omnition: # A friendly name for the processor
enable: false
# sets the time, in seconds, after which a batch will be sent regardless of size
timeout: 1
# number of spans which after hit, will trigger it to be sent
send-batch-size: 8192
# num-workers is the number of queue workers that will be dequeuing batches and sending them out (default is 10)
num-workers: 2
# queue-size is the maximum number of batches allowed in the queue at a given time (default is 5000)
queue-size: 100
# retry-on-failure indicates whether queue processor should retry span batches in case of processing failure (default is true)
retry-on-failure: true
# backoff-delay is the amount of time a worker waits after a failed send before retrying (default is 5 seconds)
backoff-delay: 3s
# sender-type is the type of sender used by this processor, the default is an invalid sender so it forces one to be specified
sender-type: jaeger-thrift-http
# configuration of the selected sender-type, in this example jaeger-thrift-http. Which supports 3 settings:
# collector-endpoint: address of Jaeger collector thrift-http endpoint
# headers: a map of any additional headers to be sent with each batch (e.g.: api keys, etc)
# timeout: the timeout for the sender to consider the operation as failed
collector-endpoint: "https://ingest.omnition.io"
headers: { "x-omnition-api-key": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001" }
timeout: 5s
# Non-sender exporters can now also be used by setting the exporters section in queued-exporters.
endpoint: ""
cert-pem-file: "server_ca_public.pem" # PEM file used to enable TLS. For trusted CAs from
# system pool use "secure:" setting, see below.
compression: "gzip"
reconnection-dealy: 2s # Delay (+70% jitter) before reconnection attempt in case of error.
secure: true # Used to export to destinations trusted by certificates from the system pool.
# "cert-pem-file:" takes precedence over this setting.
# Keepalive settings for gRPC clients, see https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc/keepalive#ClientParameters.
# Recommended to be set for cases that need to support bursts of data and periods of inactivity.
time: 30s # After inactive for this amount to time client will send a ping to the server.
timeout: 5s # Amount of time that client waits for a keepalive ping response before closing the connection.
permit-without-stream: true # Permits the keepalive ping even if no RPCs are in use, if false no ping is sent.
my-org-jaeger: # A second processor with its own configuration options
num-workers: 2
queue-size: 100
retry-on-failure: true
backoff-delay: 3s
sender-type: jaeger-thrift-http
collector-endpoint: "http://jaeger.local:14268/api/traces"
timeout: 5s