This library provides a C++ interface to write data in MATLAB mat v4 binary format to a file. It is compatible with CMake and would be easy to add to other projects, consisting of a single header-only file.
CMake is used to build this library, which is exported as a library target called mat_v4. The header is added as:
#include "mat_v4/mat_v4.h"
The library can be also be compiled stand-alone using the CMake idiom of creating a build directory and then, from within that directory issuing:
cmake ..
This will build the library and an example executable called mat_example. The example executable source files are located at examples/
Additional documentation on the MATLAB mat file format is located in the docs folder.
This library is within the namespace bfs
void MatWrite(std::string name, const DATA &ref, FILE *file) This function writes data to the file given a MATLAB variable name, a reference to the data, and a pointer to the file. Data can be a matrix from the Eigen library, an array, or a vector. Static and dynamic matrices are supported and, in the case of a matrix, the matrix dimensions are used to determine the dimensions of the written data. Arrays and vectors are always written as row vectors. The data types supported are: double, float, int32_t, int16_t, uint16_t, and uint8_t.
/* Output file */
FILE *file = fopen("test.mat", "w");
/* A dynamic matrix of doubles */
Eigen::MatrixXd m(3, 3);
m(0, 0) = 0.1; m(0, 1) = 0.4; m(0, 2) = 0.7;
m(1, 0) = 0.2; m(1, 1) = 0.5; m(1, 2) = 0.8;
m(2, 0) = 0.3; m(2, 1) = 0.6; m(2, 2) = 0.9;
bfs::MatWrite("m", m, file);
/* An array of uint8_t */
std::array<uint8_t, 6> n;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
n[i] = i;
bfs::MatWrite("n", n, file);
/* A vector of floats */
std::vector<float> o;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
o.push_back(static_cast<float>(i) / 10);
bfs::MatWrite("o", o, file);