version 1.13.1
memento is a modular step by step command line tool. By default it
provides the following commands:
- activity
- bitbucket
- features
- git
- gitlab
- history
- jira
- paymo
- redmine
- schema
- taiga
- tempo
- workflow
Memento, for each command, provides by default a fallback helper if a
required argument is missing. For example you can get your last
executed command via direct input:
$ memento history last
memento git status
or via progressive input:
$ memento
Enter the tool name to be used:
- activity
- bitbucket
- features
- git
- gitlab
- history
- jira
- paymo
- redmine
- schema
- taiga
- tempo
- workflow
� history
Choose a command:
- bookmark
- bookmarks
- clear
- exec
- last
- list
- unbookmark
� last
memento git status
If you want to extend Memento with your own tools, put them into
Memento/Tool/custom directory. The best tools will be added into
Memento core tools, so feel free to send us your tool!
In order to be able to manage third party perl modules Memento requires
cpan (
Open a terminal and execute the file located into memento
On Ubuntu
Before install Memento, be sure to have perl-doc and
sudo apt-get install perl-doc
sudo apt-get install libwww-curl-perl
sudo ./
After install process has ended please add the following lines, also
shown by the install script to your .bashrc or .zshrc file:
memento schema check
source <memento-install-dir>/misc/
Memento uses the following environment variables which can be used
following your needs:
- MEMENTO_HTTP_TIMEOUT: a number which defines the HTTP request timeout.
- MEMENTO_SYSTEM_COLOR: the text color used to highlight system commands.
Please take a look at for correct
export MEMENTO_HTTP_TIMEOUT="bold magenta"
memento activity is a configurable tool which will help you keeping
track of your activities progression and the time spent on it. If you
want you can configure it so that you can use it in conjunction with an
issue tracker and a time tracker.
memento activity provides the following operations:
Manages Memento Activity configurations providing the following
init [--project]
Initialize your Activity configurations that will be used for
defining which issue tracker and / or time tracker will be used.
Lists all Memento Activity configurations.
Delete all Memento Activity configurations.
start [issue-id] [--issue-tracker] [--time-tracker] [--manual]
Starts a new activity. Use --manual option if you don't need to use
an Issue Tracker. If during the configuration operation, the Issue
Tracker support was enabled, you will be asked to insert an Issue Id,
or you can provide it inline memento activity start [issue-id]. It
will be used to extract the activity name from the issue and to
change the its status. Via the workflow tool, it's possible to create
a rule for updating issue status and done ratio on activity start,
automatically assigning it to current user, and optionally add a
Use this command when you've to stop working on your activity. Via
the workflow tool, it's possible to create a rule for updating issue
status and done ratio on activity stop and optionally add a comment.
If you have previously stopped your activity, you can always resume
it by using this command.
current [--open]
You can view what's your current activity by using this command. If
you wanna open it in your browser, then use the --open option.
Due to its API limitations, Bitbucket issue tracker can only be used
for branch naming generation. No change issue status or assignee
neither comments creation operations can be done.
You can easily integrate Memento with multiple instances of Bitbucket,
with the memento bitbucket config add command, and switch from one to
another simply by using the memento bitbucket config switch
[bitbucket_api_id] command.
memento bitbucket provides the following operations:
Manages Bitbucket API configurations providing the following options:
Adds a new configurations set for a Bitbucket instance.
delete [bitbucket_api_id]
Deletes a configurations set for a Bitbucket instance.
Lists all Bitbucket configurations.
switch [bitbucket_api_id]
Sets a Bitbucket instance as the default one. All queries will be
executed to the default one. Otherwise, you can change on the fly
the active Bitbucket instance by using the --api-id option, for
each memento bitbucket command.
issue [bitbucket_issue_id [--open]]
Shows the details of an issue. If the --open boolean option has been
provided, the issue will not be rendered, but opened into your
default web browser.
Renders a table containing info about all available Bitbucket
Renders a table containing info about current user referring to the
active api.
memento features allows you to export and import all your tools
It provides the following operations:
Export configurations of your tools (features). You can choose to
export all of them or just one by one. By default the export will be
printed to the standard output. If you want you can save your
configurations into a file by using ">" as follows:
memento features export all > memento_all.cfg
import [--file]
Import your features using a previously exported config file. You can
choose to import all of them or just one by one. Use --file option to
specify the file path (in direct input mode), otherwise memento will
remember you to specify it later (progressive input mode):
memento features import git --file memento_all.cfg
memento git is a configurable tool with the main purpose to help
developers creating branches, following git-flow-like (but divergent)
flows. This is not a wrapper around git core features, but just
something like an extension.
memento git provides the following operations:
Manages Memento Git configurations providing the following
init [--project]
Initialize your git repository storing configurations that will be
used for branches creation, project name configuration and git
hooks management. Use --project option to specify a project name.
Lists all Memento Git configurations.
Delete all Memento Git configurations affecting your current
Utility command used to show the repository root.
start [issue-id] [--source]
Creates a new branch starting from the configured source branch. Use
--source option to override the default one. If during the
configuration operation, the Issue Tracker support was enabled, you
will be asked to insert an Issue Id, or you can provide it inline
memento git start [issue-id]. It will be used to build the new
branch, following the configured branch pattern. Via the workflow
tool, is possible to create a rule for updating issue status and done
ratio on git flow start, automatically assigning it to current user,
and optionally add a comment.
finish [--safe] [--silent]
Use this command to merge current branch into the configure
destination branch. Current branch will also be deleted if the delete
configuration has been set. If you are not familiar with this
command, use the --safe option to avoid unwanted behaviors (you will
be asked to confirm destination and deletion options). Via the
workflow tool, is possible to create a rule for updating issue status
and done ratio on git flow finish and optionally add a comment. If
you want to avoid execution of git flow finish events, run this
command with the --silent option. Your code will be merged into the
destination branch but no other action will be performed (eg: time
traker or issue traker actions).
If you have enabled a Time Tracker, use this command to pause the
timer and log your worked hours. This will not affect your code but
will only handle time entries.
If you have previously paused your Time Tracker, you can always
resume it by using this command.
Show the git log tree in a pretty format.
memento git rebase
Rebases current branch with the configured source branch.
memento git rebase <branch_name>
Rebases current branch with the provided one.
Allows you to commit your code by using conventional commits.
You can easily integrate Memento with multiple instances of Gitlab,
with the memento gitlab config add command, and switch from one to
another simply by using the memento gitlab config switch
[gitlab_api_id] command.
memento gitlab provides the following operations:
Manages Gitlab API configurations providing the following options:
Adds a new configurations set for a Gitlab instance.
delete [gitlab_api_id]
Deletes a configurations set for a Gitlab instance.
Lists all Gitlab configurations.
switch [gitlab_api_id]
Sets a Gitlab instance as the default one. All queries will be
executed to the default one. Otherwise, you can change on the fly
the active Gitlab instance by using the --api-id option, for each
memento gitlab command.
issue [gitlab_issue_iid [--open]]
Shows the details of an issue. If the --open boolean option has been
provided, the issue will not be rendered, but opened into your
default web browser.
Renders a table containing info about all available Gitlab projects.
Renders a table containing info about current user referring to the
active api.
You can easily integrate Memento with multiple instances of Taiga, with
the memento taiga config add command, and switch from one to another
simply by using the memento taiga config switch [taiga_api_id] command.
memento taiga provides the following operations:
Manages Taiga API configurations providing the following options:
Adds a new configurations set for a Taiga instance.
delete [taiga_api_id]
Deletes a configurations set for a Taiga instance.
Lists all Taiga configurations.
switch [taiga_api_id]
Sets a Taiga instance as the default one. All queries will be
executed to the default one. Otherwise, you can change on the fly
the active Taiga instance by using the --api-id option, for each
memento taiga command.
issue [task|issue]/[taiga_issue_id [--open]]
Shows the details of an issue or task. If the --open boolean option
has been provided, the issue will not be rendered, but opened into
your default web browser.
Renders a table containing info about all available Taiga projects.
Renders a table containing info about current user referring to the
active api.
Every command executed is logged into the memento history and can be
bookmarked as a shortcut.
memento history provides the following operations:
Bookmarks a command creating a new shortcut.
Lists all available bookmarks.
Clear the command history.
Executes a command previously logged into the command history.
last [--execute]
Get last executed command. Use --execute option to execute it.
Lists all commands logged into the command history.
Deletes a bookmarked command.
You can easily integrate Memento with multiple instances of Jira, with
the memento jira config add command, and switch from one to another
simply by using the memento jira config switch [jira_api_id] command.
memento jira provides the following operations:
Manages Jira API configurations providing the following options:
Adds a new configurations set for a Jira instance.
delete [jira_api_id]
Deletes a configurations set for a Jira instance.
Lists all Jira configurations.
switch [jira_api_id]
Sets a Jira instance as the default one. All queries will be
executed to the default one. Otherwise, you can change on the fly
the active Jira instance by using the --api-id option, for each
memento jira command.
issue [jira_issue_id_or_key [--open]]
Shows the details of an issue. If the --open boolean option has been
provided, the issue will not be rendered, but opened into your
default web browser.
Renders a table containing info about all available Jira projects.
Searches for issues using the following options:
Filter by resolution (Unresolved, Done, ...)
Filter by user key (usually name.surname or the email address chunk
before the @)
Filter by project KEY
Filter by issue status (In progress, Closed, ...)
Filter by issue type (Task, Bug, ...)
Renders a table containing info about current user referring to the
active api.
You can easily integrate Memento with multiple instances of Paymo, with
the memento paymo config add command, and switch from one to another
simply by using the memento paymo config switch [paymo_api_id] command.
memento paymo provides the following operations:
Manages Paymo API configurations providing the following options:
Adds a new configurations set for a Paymo instance.
delete [paymo_api_id]
Deletes a configurations set for a Paymo instance.
Lists all Paymo configurations.
switch [paymo_api_id]
Sets a Paymo instance as the default one. All queries will be
executed to the default one. Otherwise, you can change on the fly
the active Paymo instance by using the --api-id option, for each
memento paymo command.
Renders a table containing info about all available Paymo clients.
Renders a table containing info about Project Name and Task list
bounded to the current repository.
Renders a table containing info about all available Paymo projects.
Allows you to change Project Name and Task list for the current
Renders a table containing info about all available Paymo users.
Renders a table containing info about current user referring to the
active api.
You can easily integrate Memento with multiple instances of Tempo, with
the memento tempo config add command, and switch from one to another
simply by using the memento tempo config switch [tempo_api_id] command.
memento tempo provides the following operations:
Manages Tempo API configurations providing the following options:
Adds a new configurations set for a Tempo instance.
delete [tempo_api_id]
Deletes a configurations set for a Tempo instance.
Lists all Tempo configurations.
switch [tempo_api_id]
Sets a Tempo instance as the default one. All queries will be
executed to the default one. Otherwise, you can change on the fly
the active Tempo instance by using the --api-id option, for each
memento tempo command.
Renders a table containing info about all available team members.
Renders a table containing info about all available teams.
You can easily integrate Memento with multiple instances of Redmine,
with the memento redmine config add command, and switch from one to
another simply by using the memento redmine config switch
[redmine_api_id] command.
memento redmine provides the following operations:
Manages Redmine API configurations providing the following options:
Adds a new configurations set for a Redmine instance.
delete [redmine_api_id]
Deletes a configurations set for a Redmine instance.
Lists all Redmine configurations.
switch [redmine_api_id]
Sets a Redmine instance as the default one. All queries will be
executed to the default one. Otherwise, you can change on the fly
the active Redmine instance by using the --api-id option, for each
memento redmine command.
issue [redmine_issue_id [--open]]
Shows the details of an issue. If the --open boolean option has been
provided, the issue will not be rendered, but opened into your
default web browser.
Renders a table containing info about all available Redmine projects.
Renders a table containing info about all available Redmine custom
query [redmine_query_id]
Renders a table containing info about all available Redmine issue
extracted from the custom query.
Renders a table containing info about current user referring to the
active api.
memento schema is the automatic update manager for Memento codebase.
It provides the following operations:
Check, for code updates automatically, with the frequency specified
via config.
Insert memento schema check entry into your bash profile in order to
automatically execute the command whenever you open a new terminal
Manages Memento schema configurations, allowing user to
enable/disable automatic updates or to set frequency of update check.
memento workflow is the dedicated tool for workflows management.
It provides the following operations:
Add, delete and list workflow rules in order to create event driven
memento [-OPTIONS [-MORE_OPTIONS]] [--] [PROGRAM_ARG1 ...]
The following single-character options are accepted: Boolean (without
arguments): -v -h
Options may be merged together. -- stops processing of options.
None known as of release, but...
Adriano Cori <[email protected]>
Copyright (c) 2015 - 2023 Adriano Cori. All rights reserved. This
program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GPL2 license.
The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
with this module.
Bonsaimeme S.r.l. <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2015 - 2023 by Adriano Cori and
Bonsaimeme S.r.l.
This is free software, licensed under:
The GPL2 License