Note: This is prerelease software and a few variables may be hardcoded. To be fast and powerful media server written in rust.
Inspired by jellyfin, olaris and gohls
Jellyfin is a bit resource intensive and seemed slow to run on low power devices. Rust being inherently fast and correct, would run on most low power devices.
FFmpeg is heavily used to segment the video stream at required times and is served to the requesting media player.
HLS supported : Player can request for streams at various pre defined resolutions adpatively based on the bandwidth available. Supports multi subs and multi audio.
Api design is currently unstable and might change in future.
/playlist -> Gives the m3u8 file (HLS playlist file)
/video -> Gives the .ts segment at requested time / segment number
/audio -> Same as video but for audio
/subs -> Subs are not segmented and are provided as a single file due to low size
Tracked at