Laravel 5 example is a tutorial application. It's a work in progress because Laravel 5 is still alpha.
git clone projectname
cd projectname
composer instal
php artisan key:generate
- Create a database and inform .env
php artisan migrate
to create tablesphp artisan db:seed
to populate tablesphp artisan route:scan
to create routesphp artisan event:scan
to create events- Inform config/mail.php for email sends
- HTML5 Boilerplate for front architecture
- Bootstrap for CSS and jQuery plugins
- Font Awesome for the nice icons
- Highlight.js for highlighting code
- Startbootstrap for the free templates
- CKEditor the great editor
- Filemanager the easy file manager
- Home page
- Custom Error Page 404
- Authentication (registration, login, logout, password reset)
- Users roles : administrator (all access), redactor (create and edit post, upload and use medias in personnal directory), and user (create comment in blog)
- Blog with comments
- Search in posts
- Tags on posts
- Contact us page
- Admin dashboard with new messages, users, posts and comments
- Users admin (roles filter, show, edit, delete, create)
- Messages admin
- Posts admin (list with dynamic order, show, edit, delete, create)
- Medias gestion
- illuminate/html
To test application the database is seeding with users :
- Administrator : email = [email protected], password = admin
- Redactor : email = [email protected], password = redac
- User : email = [email protected], password = walker
- User : email = [email protected], password = slacker