function mnt= mnt_scalpToGrid(mnt, varargin) %MNT_SCALPTOGRID - Montage for grid plot with boxes at scalp locations % %Usage: % MNT= mnt_scalpToGrid(MNT, ) % %Input: % MNT: Display montage % OPTS: property/value list or struct of optional properties: % .CLab - choose only locations for those specified channels, % cell array, for format see function util_chanind. % .AxisSize - [width Height]: size of axis. Default [] means choosing % automatically the large possible size, without overlapping. % .Oversize - factor to increase AxisSize to allow partial overlapping, % default 1.2. % .MaximizeAngle - when choosing automatically the AxisSize, the % criterium is to maximize size in direction of this angle. % .LegendPos - [hpos VPos], where hpos=0 means leftmost, and hpos=1 means % rightmost edge, and VPos=0 means lower and VPos=1 means % upper edge. % .ScalePos - [hpos VPos], analog to .LegendPos % .PosCorrection - type of corrections for channel positions. There % are some popular variants hard coded here. Default 0. % %Output: % MNT: Updated display montage % %See also setDisplayMontage, projectElectrodePositions, grid_plot, % mnt_restrictMontage props = {'AxisSize', [], 'DOUBLE'; 'Clab', [], 'CELL{CHAR}'; 'Oversize', 1.2, 'DOUBLE[1-2]'; 'MaximizeAngle', 60, 'DOUBLE'; 'LegendPos', [0 0], 'DOUBLE[2]'; 'ScalePos', [1 0], 'DOUBLE[2]'; 'PosCorrection', 0, 'BOOL'}; if nargin==0, mnt= props; return end opt= opt_proplistToStruct(varargin{:}); opt= opt_setDefaults(opt, props); opt_checkProplist(opt, props); if length(opt.Oversize)==1, opt.Oversize= opt.Oversize*[1 1]; end chind= find(~isnan(mnt.x)); if ~isempty(opt.clab), chind= setdiff(chind, util_chanind(mnt, opt.clab),'legacy'); end NaN*zeros(2,length(mnt.clab)+1);,chind)= [mnt.x(chind)'; mnt.y(chind)']; if isempty(opt.AxisSize) | isequal(opt.AxisSize, 'auto'), min_dx= inf; min_dy= inf; for ii= 1:length(chind)-1, for jj= ii+1:length(chind), mini= min(,chind([ii jj])), [], 2); maxi= max(,chind([ii jj])), [], 2); dx= maxi(1)-mini(1); dy= maxi(2)-mini(2); ang= 180/pi* atan2(dx, dy); if anglength(mnt.clab),,end)= [mi_x*(1-opt.LegendPos(1))+ma_x*opt.LegendPos(1); ... mi_y*(1-opt.LegendPos(2))+ma_y*opt.LegendPos(2)]; end if isfield(mnt, 'scale_box'), mnt.scale_box= [mi_x*(1-opt.ScalePos(1))+ma_x*opt.ScalePos(1); ... mi_y*(1-opt.ScalePos(2))+ma_y*opt.ScalePos(2)]; mnt.scale_box_sz= diag(opt.Oversize)*opt.AxisSize(:); end switch(opt.PosCorrection), case 1, ci= util_chanind(mnt, 'AF3,4');,ci)= [-0.2 0.2; 0.75 0.75]; ci= util_chanind(mnt, 'PO7,8');,ci)= [-0.45 0.45; -0.65 -0.65]; ci= util_chanind(mnt, 'TP7,8');,ci)= [-0.68 0.68; -0.37 -0.37]; end