BAT.jl Release Notes ==================== BAT.jl v4.0.0 ------------- ### Breaking changes Several algorithms have changed their names, but also their role: * `MCMCSampling` has become `TransformedMCMC`. * `MetropolisHastings` has become `RandomWalk`. It's parameters have changed (no deprecation for the parameter changes). Tuning and sample weighting scheme selection have moved to `TransformedMCMC`. * `PriorToGaussian` has become `PriorToNormal`. Partial deprecations are available for the above, a lot of old code should run more or less unchanged (with deprecation warnings). Also: * `AdaptiveMHTuning` has become `AdaptiveAffineTuning`, but is now used as a parameter for `TransformedMCMC` (formerly `MCMCSampling`) instead of `RandomWalk` (formerly `MetropolisHastings`). * `MCMCNoOpTuning` has become `NoMCMCTransformTuning`. * The parameters of `HamiltonianMC` have changed. * `MCMCTuningAlgorithm` has been replaced by `MCMCTransformTuning`. * The `trafo` parameter of algorithms has been renamed to `pretransform`, the `trafo` field in algorithm results has been renamed to `f_pretransform`. ### New features * Sampling, integration and mode-finding algorithms now generate a return value `result = ..., evaluated::EvaluatedMeasure = ..., ...)` if their target is a probability measure/distribution. * The new `RAMTuning` is now the default (transform) tuning algorithm for `RandomWalk` (formerly `MetropolisHastings`). It typically results in a much faster burn-in process than `AdaptiveAffineTuning` (formerly `AdaptiveMHTuning`, the previous default). * MCMC Sampling handles parameter scale and correlation adaptivity via via tunable space transformations instead of tuning covariance matrices in proposal distributions. * MCMC tuning has been split into proposal tuning (algorithms of type `MCMCProposalTuning`) and transform turning (algorithms of type `MCMCTransformTuning`). Proposal tuning has now a much more limited role and often may be `NoMCMCProposalTuning()` (e.g. for `RandomWalk`). * Added `MGVISampling` for Metric Gaussian Variational Inference. BAT.jl v3.0.0 ------------- ### Breaking changes * `AbstractVariateTransform` and the function `ladjof` have been removed, BAT parameter transformations do not need to have a specific supertype any longer (see above). * The new `BATContext` replaces passing `rng::AbstractRNG` random number generators around. * Pending: `LogDVal` has been deprecated soon and will removed in BAT v3.1 or v3.2. Do *not* do this any longer: ```julia likelihood = let data = mydata function(v) log_likelihood_value = ... return LogDVal(log_likelihood_value) end end ``` Instead, use the [DensityInterface]( API (see above), like this: ```julia likelihood = let data = mydata logfuncdensity(function(v) log_likelihood_value = ... return log_likelihood_value end) end ``` or like this ```julia struct MyLikeLihood{D} data::D end @inline DensityInterface.DensityKind(::MyLikeLihood) = IsDensity() function DensityInterface.logdensityof(likelihood::MyLikeLihood, v) log_likelihood_value = ... return log_likelihood_value end likelihood = MyLikeLihood(mydata) ``` This allows for defining likelihoods without depending on BAT. * New behavior of `ValueShapes.NamedTupleShape` and `ValueShapes.NamedTupleDist`: Due to changes in [ValueShapes]( v0.10, `NamedTupleShape` and `NamedTupleDist` now either (by default) use `NamedTuple` or (optionally) `ValueShapes.ShapedAsNT`, but no longer a mix of them. As a result, the behavior of BAT has changed as well when using a `NamedTupleDist` as a prior. For example, `mode(samples).result` returns a `NamedTuple` now directly. * `SampledMeasure` (formerly `SampledDensity`) have been replaced by `EvaluatedMeasure`. * Some type-pirating prior plotting recipes have been removed, to be re-added in a clean way. * Pending: BAT will rely less on ValueShapes in the future. Do not use ValueShapes functionality directly where avoidable. Use `distprod` instead of using `ValueShapes.NamedTupleDist` directly, and favor using `bat_transform` instead of shaping and unshaping data using values shapes directly, if possible. * Use the new function `bat_report` to generate a sampling output report instead of `show(BAT.SampledDensity(samples))`. * The field types of `EvaluatedMeasure` have changed. ### New features ------------ * Support for [DensityInterface]( BAT will now accept any object that implements the DensityInterface API (specifically `DensityInterface.densitykind` and `DensityInterface.logdensityof`) as likelihoods. In return, all BAT priors and posteriors support the DensityInterface API as well. * Support for [InverseFunctions]( and [ChangesOfVariables]( Parameter transformations in BAT now implement the DensityInterface API. Any function that supports * `InverseFunctions.inverse` * `ChangesOfVariables.with_logabsdet_jacobian` * `output_shape = f(input_shape::ValueShapes.AbstractValueShape)::AbstractValueShape` can now be used as a parameter transformation in BAT. * `BATContext`, `get_batcontext` and `set_batcontext` * `bat_transform` with enhanced capabilities * `distprod`, `distbind` and `lbqintegral` are the new ways to express priors and posteriors in BAT. * `bat_report` * `BAT.enable_error_log` (experimental) * `BAT.error_log` (experimental) * `BridgeSampling` (experimental) * `EllipsoidalNestedSampling` (experimental) * `ReactiveNestedSampling` (experimental)