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183 lines (117 loc) · 3.67 KB

File metadata and controls

183 lines (117 loc) · 3.67 KB

First steps

Unix and Mac Prerequisites

  • nodejs
  • git

Windows Prerequisites

  • Git Bash
  • nodejs

Abe command line tool

Create a website $ abe init this wizard helps you to create your website structure that can be overridden with a json config file abe.json

Default project structure :

- mysite
 |_ data (contains your json documents)
 |_ site (contains published files, this is your static website)
 |_ structure (add as many folders and subfolders to create your website structure)
 |_ themes/default/templates (put your templates here)

Launch abe engine

$ cd mysite

$ abe serve


start server with nodemon (dev)

$ abe servedev


Usage: abe [command] {OPTIONS}

Standard Options:

   --port, -p <port> 	Use a specific port
   --interactive , -i   Open abe inside your browser (use with serve command)


Usage: abe [command] {OPTIONS}

Standard Options:

--version, -v 	Output the version number

   --help, -h 	Show this message

Creating abe template

List of self-descriptive Abe tag

  • tag text :
{{abe type='text' key='text_key' desc='give some tips' tab='default'}}
  • tag link
<a href="{{abe type='link' key='link_key' desc='give some tips' title='html title' tab='default'}}">
	my link
  • tag image
<img src="{{abe type='image' key='image_key' desc='give some tips' width='100' height='100' alt='html alt' tab='default'}}" />
  • tag textarea
{{abe type='textarea' key='textarea_key' desc='give some tips' tab='default'}}
  • tag file
{{abe type='file' filetype='file_type' key='file_key' desc='give some tips' tab='default'}}
  • tag rich
{{abe type='rich' key='rich_key' desc='give some tips' tab='default'}}
  • tag data

doc abe meta

  • loop each (create content bloc)
{{#each key_name}}
​	{{abe type='text' key='key_name.text_key' desc='give some tips' tab='default'}}

Adding a template and assets (css / js / images ...)

to add a template just paste it inside the /templates directory

- mysite
 |_ templates 
	|_ template.html
	|_ template_files

Assets must be in the same folder of your template and have the same name followed by _files

More detailed documentation coming soon

user management

doc abe user, custom actions & workflow

Custom Abe admin engine

doc abe admin override

Abe command to build all pages

coming soon

Build from source

Windows User

  • python (2.7.x)

Setup path to python

Open git bash then run

npm config set python /C/Python27/

Install visual studio community edition

install windows sdk

Tell node-sass which version of Open git bash then run

# npm config set msvs_version [ VISUAL STUDIO VERSION ] --global
npm config set msvs_version 2015 --global


Create a blog directory (ie. "abesite") with the default project structure (see below). It will contain your blog. git clone abe outside of your blog directory (not in abesite) :

$ git clone

$ cd abecms

$ npm i

to launch your blog using Abe, under Linux or Mac, you have to set an Environment variable pointing to your blog :

$ ROOT=/my_path_to_the_blog npm run startdev