---------------------- Riak 0.8 Release Notes ---------------------- Riak 0.8 is the first release of Riak with full support for map/reduce processing exposed entirely via an HTTP/JavaScript interface. In summary: - exposed javascript as a first class map/reduce query language - map/reduce queries can be submitted via HTTP/JSON (default endpoint is "/mapred") - numerous fixes and tweaks to map/reduce query performance and timeout behavior Riak 0.8 also includes a number of minor improvements such as: - improved handoff/rebalancing performance. - added configuration parameter 'handoff_concurrency', which controls how many vnodes per host can engage in handoff at once. - added client_lib/riak.py, a python client for the 'raw' riak http interface (based on jiak.py by Jay Baird). - statistics about node performance, VM state, and Riak cluster status are now exposed over HTTP/JSON (default endpoint is "/stats") - general stability improvements such as improved supervision for vnodes and map/reduce processes