---------------------- Riak 0.7 Release Notes ---------------------- - The Riak source tree has undergone a major restructuring as part of a transition to a new build tool -- rebar. This tool enforces OTP compliant directory structures for the riak application and its dependencies and provides an easy-to-use wrapper around the new reltool system available in Erlang R1303+. Using reltool makes it possible to construct a standalone server instance that can be used on machines without Erlang installed. This transition has also enabled us to introduce a standardized script for starting/stopping and other server management tasks. You can watch a screencast on Riak and Rebar here: http://blog.basho.com/2009/12/17/basho-screencast---dave-smith-introduces-riak-in-an-embedded-node/ - In addition to the existing Client:list_keys function, there is now also a Client:stream_list_keys function that provides the keys in a bucket over a series of messages instead of in a single list. This can be useful with larger buckets. The messages will be of the form {ReqId,{keys,Res}} followed by a single {ReqId, done} to notify the client that all keys have been sent. - riak_vnode has undergone a complete rewrite to fix some handoff-related bugs and to eliminate the need for a separate riak_vnode_sidekick process. - riak_stat : Riak can now track basic internal statistics about how many reads and writes happened, and with what latency, in the last minute. Add {riak_stat, true} to your Riak config file to enable stat tracking, then use riak_client:get_stats/1 to retrieve the latest stats. - Setting the bucket property "allow_mult" to 'false' enables Riak's automatic sibling resolution. Prior to this release, all resolution was done at read time. With 0.7, sibling resolution is done at write time for allow_mult=false buckets. - In fixing a bug in filtered_preflist, we also made Riak's default ring partition claiming function more explicitly evenly distributed in 0.7. The function will attempt to to produce an "optimal" claim for the N-value set by the "target_n_val" configuration parameter (3, by default). - The latest version of Webmachine (http://webmachine.basho.com) has been integrated into Riak, which increases HTTP/Jiak performance considerably. - Jonathan Lee contributed a patch that causes any object metadata keys beginning with "X-Riak-Meta" to be emitted as HTTP headers when using the "raw" HTTP interface. - Sean Cribbs refactored the Ruby client library to be more idiomatic and maintainable. - Jayson Baird contributed a new Python client that uses PyCURL when available.