Preview NvimTree files in a floating window.
dependencies = {
NOTE: Depends on plenary.nvim. You likely already have this installed, if not:
To use nvim-tree-preview, set up mappings to toggle it in your nvim-tree on_attach
function (see :help nvim-tree.on_attach
require('nvim-tree').setup {
on_attach = function(bufnr)
local api = require('nvim-tree.api')
-- Important: When you supply an `on_attach` function, nvim-tree won't
-- automatically set up the default keymaps. To set up the default keymaps,
-- call the `default_on_attach` function. See `:help nvim-tree-quickstart-custom-mappings`.
local function opts(desc)
return { desc = 'nvim-tree: ' .. desc, buffer = bufnr, noremap = true, silent = true, nowait = true }
local preview = require('nvim-tree-preview')
vim.keymap.set('n', 'P',, opts 'Preview (Watch)')
vim.keymap.set('n', '<Esc>', preview.unwatch, opts 'Close Preview/Unwatch')
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-f>', function() return preview.scroll(4) end, opts 'Scroll Down')
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-b>', function() return preview.scroll(-4) end, opts 'Scroll Up')
-- Option A: Smart tab behavior: Only preview files, expand/collapse directories (recommended)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<Tab>', function()
local ok, node = pcall(api.tree.get_node_under_cursor)
if ok and node then
if node.type == 'directory' then
preview.node(node, { toggle_focus = true })
end, opts 'Preview')
-- Option B: Simple tab behavior: Always preview
-- vim.keymap.set('n', '<Tab>', preview.node_under_cursor, opts 'Preview')
Optionally, you can call nvim-tree-preview's setup()
function to change the default configuration:
-- Default config:
require('nvim-tree-preview').setup {
-- Keymaps for the preview window (does not apply to the tree window).
-- Keymaps can be a string (vimscript command), a function, or a table.
-- If a function is provided:
-- When the keymap is invoked, the function is called.
-- It will be passed a single argument, which is a table of the following form:
-- {
-- node: NvimTreeNode|NvimTreeRootNode, -- The tree node under the cursor
-- }
-- See the type definitions in `lua/nvim-tree-preview/types.lua` for a description
-- of the fields in the table.
-- If a table, it must contain either an 'action' or 'open' key:
-- Actions:
-- { action = 'close', unwatch? = false, focus_tree? = true }
-- { action = 'toggle_focus' }
-- { action = 'select_node', target: 'next'|'prev' }
-- Open modes:
-- { open = 'edit' }
-- { open = 'tab' }
-- { open = 'vertical' }
-- { open = 'horizontal' }
-- To disable a default keymap, set it to false.
-- All keymaps are set in normal mode. Other modes are not currently supported.
keymaps = {
['<Esc>'] = { action = 'close', unwatch = true },
['<Tab>'] = { action = 'toggle_focus' },
['<CR>'] = { open = 'edit' },
['<C-t>'] = { open = 'tab' },
['<C-v>'] = { open = 'vertical' },
['<C-x>'] = { open = 'horizontal' },
['<C-n>'] = { action = 'select_node', target = 'next' },
['<C-p>'] = { action = 'select_node', target = 'prev' },
min_width = 10,
min_height = 5,
max_width = 85,
max_height = 25,
wrap = false, -- Whether to wrap lines in the preview window
border = 'rounded', -- Border style for the preview window
zindex = 100, -- Stacking order. Increase if the preview window is shown below other windows.
show_title = true, -- Whether to show the file name as the title of the preview window
title_pos = 'top-left', -- top-left|top-center|top-right|bottom-left|bottom-center|bottom-right
title_format = ' %s ',
on_open = nil, -- fun(win: number, buf: number) called when the preview window is opened
on_close = nil, -- fun() called when the preview window is closed
If you're using nvim-window-picker, it's recommended to ignore nvim-tree-preview windows:
require('nvim-tree').setup {
actions = {
open_file = {
window_picker = {
enable = true,
picker = function()
return require('window-picker').pick_window {
filter_rules = {
file_path_contains = { 'nvim-tree-preview://' },
nvim-tree-preview exposes a few functions for programmatically interacting with the preview window.
local preview = require 'nvim-tree-preview'
---Open a preview window for the given nvim-tree node.
---If toggle_focus is true and a preview window is already open for the node,
---the preview window will be focused.
---@param node NvimTreeNode
---@param opts? {toggle_focus?: boolean (default: false)}
preview.node(node, opts)
---Preview the node under the cursor in the nvim-tree window.
---If toggle_focus is true and a preview window is already open for the node,
---the preview window will be focused.
---@param opts? {toggle_focus?: boolean (default: true)}
---Close the preview window.
---Open the preview window for the node under the cursor, and
---watch for cursor movement in the nvim-tree window. If the cursor is moved
---to a different node, the preview window display the content of that node.
---Stop watching for cursor movement in the nvim-tree window.
---If close is true, the preview window will be closed if it is open.
---@param opts? {close?: boolean (default: true)}
---Returns true if a preview window is open.
---Returns true if the preview window is focused.
---Returns true if the preview window is currently being watched.
---Scrolls the preview window by the given number of lines. Use a negative number to scroll up.
---@param amount number
---@return boolean success true if the preview window is open and the scroll was successful.
Copyright (C) 2024 Maddison Hellstrom
MIT License