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Preview NvimTree files in a floating window.



  • 🔎 Preview files and directories in a floating window
  • 🖼️ Preview images (see Previewing Images)
  • 🪟 Open in split/tab
  • ⌨️ Navigate with keybindings



  dependencies = {
      dependencies = {
        '3rd/image.nvim', -- Optional, for previewing images



To use nvim-tree-preview, set up mappings to toggle it in your nvim-tree on_attach function (see :help nvim-tree.on_attach):

require('nvim-tree').setup {
  on_attach = function(bufnr)
    local api = require('nvim-tree.api')

    -- Important: When you supply an `on_attach` function, nvim-tree won't
    -- automatically set up the default keymaps. To set up the default keymaps,
    -- call the `default_on_attach` function. See `:help nvim-tree-quickstart-custom-mappings`.

    local function opts(desc)
      return { desc = 'nvim-tree: ' .. desc, buffer = bufnr, noremap = true, silent = true, nowait = true }

    local preview = require('nvim-tree-preview')

    vim.keymap.set('n', 'P',, opts 'Preview (Watch)')
    vim.keymap.set('n', '<Esc>', preview.unwatch, opts 'Close Preview/Unwatch')
    vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-f>', function() return preview.scroll(4) end, opts 'Scroll Down')
    vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-b>', function() return preview.scroll(-4) end, opts 'Scroll Up')

    -- Option A: Smart tab behavior: Only preview files, expand/collapse directories (recommended)
    vim.keymap.set('n', '<Tab>', function()
      local ok, node = pcall(api.tree.get_node_under_cursor)
      if ok and node then
        if node.type == 'directory' then

          preview.node(node, { toggle_focus = true })
    end, opts 'Preview')

    -- Option B: Simple tab behavior: Always preview
    -- vim.keymap.set('n', '<Tab>', preview.node_under_cursor, opts 'Preview')

Optionally, you can call nvim-tree-preview's setup() function to change the default configuration:

-- Default config:
require('nvim-tree-preview').setup {
  -- Keymaps for the preview window (does not apply to the tree window).
  -- Keymaps can be a string (vimscript command), a function, or a table.
  -- If a function is provided:
  --   When the keymap is invoked, the function is called.
  --   It will be passed a single argument, which is a table of the following form:
  --     {
  --       node: NvimTreeNode|NvimTreeRootNode, -- The tree node under the cursor
  --     }
  --   See the type definitions in `lua/nvim-tree-preview/types.lua` for a description
  --   of the fields in the table.
  -- If a table, it must contain either an 'action' or 'open' key:
  --   Actions:
  --     { action = 'close', unwatch? = false, focus_tree? = true }
  --     { action = 'toggle_focus' }
  --     { action = 'select_node', target: 'next'|'prev' }
  --   Open modes:
  --     { open = 'edit' }
  --     { open = 'tab' }
  --     { open = 'vertical' }
  --     { open = 'horizontal' }
  -- To disable a default keymap, set it to false.
  -- All keymaps are set in normal mode. Other modes are not currently supported.
  keymaps = {
    ['<Esc>'] = { action = 'close', unwatch = true },
    ['<Tab>'] = { action = 'toggle_focus' },
    ['<CR>'] = { open = 'edit' },
    ['<C-t>'] = { open = 'tab' },
    ['<C-v>'] = { open = 'vertical' },
    ['<C-x>'] = { open = 'horizontal' },
    ['<C-n>'] = { action = 'select_node', target = 'next' },
    ['<C-p>'] = { action = 'select_node', target = 'prev' },
  min_width = 10,
  min_height = 5,
  max_width = 85,
  max_height = 25,
  wrap = false, -- Whether to wrap lines in the preview window
  border = 'rounded', -- Border style for the preview window
  zindex = 100, -- Stacking order. Increase if the preview window is shown below other windows.
  show_title = true, -- Whether to show the file name as the title of the preview window
  title_pos = 'top-left', -- top-left|top-center|top-right|bottom-left|bottom-center|bottom-right
  title_format = ' %s ',
  follow_links = true, -- Whether to follow symlinks when previewing files
  image_preview = {
    enable = false, -- Whether to preview images (for more info see Previewing Images section in README)
    patterns = { -- List of Lua patterns matching image file names
      -- Additional patterns:
      -- '.*%.svg$',
      -- '.*%.bmp$',
      -- '.*%.pdf$', (known to have issues)
  on_open = nil, -- fun(win: number, buf: number) called when the preview window is opened
  on_close = nil, -- fun() called when the preview window is closed

If you're using nvim-window-picker, it's recommended to ignore nvim-tree-preview windows:

require('nvim-tree').setup {
  actions = {
    open_file = {
      window_picker = {
        enable = true,
        picker = function()
          return require('window-picker').pick_window {
            filter_rules = {
              file_path_contains = { 'nvim-tree-preview://' },

Previewing Images

To preview images, you need to install and configure image.nvim. You also need to use a terminal with image support (e.g. Kitty, Ghostty, iTerm2, Wezterm).

Then, enable image previewing by setting image_preview.enable to true in the configuration.

Image previews are known to have some issues when running Neovim inside of Tmux, such as improper placement and failure to remove the images after closing the preview window. Running Neovim directly in a supported terminal is more reliable.


nvim-tree-preview exposes a few functions for programmatically interacting with the preview window.

local preview = require 'nvim-tree-preview'

---Open a preview window for the given nvim-tree node.
---If toggle_focus is true and a preview window is already open for the node,
---the preview window will be focused.
---@param node NvimTreeNode
---@param opts? {toggle_focus?: boolean (default: false)}
preview.node(node, opts)

---Preview the node under the cursor in the nvim-tree window.
---If toggle_focus is true and a preview window is already open for the node,
---the preview window will be focused.
---@param opts? {toggle_focus?: boolean (default: true)}

---Close the preview window.

---Open the preview window for the node under the cursor, and
---watch for cursor movement in the nvim-tree window. If the cursor is moved
---to a different node, the preview window display the content of that node.

---Stop watching for cursor movement in the nvim-tree window.
---If close is true, the preview window will be closed if it is open.
---@param opts? {close?: boolean (default: true)}

---Returns true if a preview window is open.

---Returns true if the preview window is focused.

---Returns true if the preview window is currently being watched.

---Scrolls the preview window by the given number of lines. Use a negative number to scroll up.
---@param amount number
---@return boolean success true if the preview window is open and the scroll was successful.



Copyright (C) 2024 Maddison Hellstrom

MIT License


🍃 Floating preview windows for nvim-tree







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