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Neovim version
Branch info
main (Default/Latest)
Minimal (user) folder structure required to reproduce the issue
Minimal config with steps on how to reproduce the issue
settings["dap_deps"] = {
-- "delve", -- remove Go
Expected behavior
Will still install delve by default, this phenomenon exists in other settings lists.
I think it's related to the following implementations, vim.list_extend
will merge list which default and user config.
But I didn't think of any good ways to deal it.
--- Function to recursively merge src into dst
--- Unlike vim.tbl_deep_extend(), this function extends if the original value is a list
---@paramm dst table @Table which will be modified and appended to
---@paramm src table @Table from which values will be inserted
---@return table @Modified table
local function tbl_recursive_merge(dst, src)
for key, value in pairs(src) do
if type(dst[key]) == "table" and type(value) == "function" then
dst[key] = value()
elseif type(dst[key]) == "table" and vim.tbl_islist(dst[key]) then
vim.list_extend(dst[key], value)
elseif type(dst[key]) == "table" and not vim.tbl_islist(dst[key]) then
tbl_recursive_merge(dst[key], value)
dst[key] = value
return dst
Add a block list setting It seems a bit redundant. Perhaps we don't need to specify any lsp by default.
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