Describe the bug
I'm seeking clarity on why the warm/min IP target values have been grouped under Windows settings. From the documentation, both on the AWS EKS side as well as the VPC CNI side, they read as if Windows mode is not related. I believe they apply to non-windows node types as well (see the linux prefix delegation mode). I propose we update the chart to declassify them as Windows settings because they may be overlooked by linux-only cluster operators.
Steps to reproduce
Chart values:
EKS docs:
CNI docs:
Expected outcome
Clarity as to why warm/min ip and warm prefix target values are categorized as windows settings. If these are found to not be windows-specific, I'm happy to submit a PR to add new inputs and deprecate or remove the old ones as yall see fit.
- Chart name: aws-vpc-cni
- Chart version: 1.18.2
- Kubernetes version: 1.26
- Using EKS (yes/no), if so version? yes, 1.26
Additional Context: