## Setup CLI and Create S3 Bucket
The developer is required to create an S3 bucket for the AFI generation. The bucket will contain a tar file and logs which are generated from the AFI creation service.
To install the AWS CLI, please follow the [instructions here](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/installing.html).
The AWS SDAccel scripts require JSON output format and the scripts will not work properly if you use any other output format types (ex: text, table). JSON is the default output format of the AWS CLI.
$ aws configure # to set your credentials (found in your console.aws.amazon.com page), region (us-east-1) and output (json)
This S3 bucket will be used by the AWS scripts to upload your DCP to AWS for AFI generation which will be packaged into a tar file.
Start by creating a bucket:
$ aws s3 mb s3://