Describe the feature
we can create PythonShell job with GlueVersion 3.0 using AWS Glue Studio.
I would like to be able to create it in glue-alpha.Job as well.
Use Case
When we create a PythonShell job in AWS Glue Studio, the GlueVersion is set to 3.0.
Therefore, it is better to be able to create PythonShell jobs with GlueVersion 3.0 using CDK.
Proposed Solution
We just need to fix this if statement.
if ([GlueVersion.V0_9, GlueVersion.V3_0, GlueVersion.V4_0].includes(config.glueVersion)) {
throw new Error(`Specified GlueVersion ${} does not support Python Shell`);
Other Information
No response
- I may be able to implement this feature request
- This feature might incur a breaking change
CDK version used
Environment details (OS name and version, etc.)
Ubuntu 20.04 on Windows10 ( WSL2 )