Describe the feature
When creating and EC2 instance, and configuring a blockDevices property, this uses the BlockDeviceVolume type, which accepts an ebsDevice parameter of type EbsDeviceProps. EbsDeviceProps does not have the option to set a throughput property.
However, if you look at VolumeProps, when creating a volume separately, it does support the throughput property.
Use Case
I've seen examples where people are creating volumes outside of the blockDevices property of an Instance, then have to deal with attaching the volume.
Having the option to create a gp3 volume along with all of its configuration properties (including throughput) directly via the instance as part of the blockDevices property simplifies the deployment of an instance. iops is already an accepted property as part of EbsDeviceProps, why not throughput?
Proposed Solution
No response
Other Information
No response
- I may be able to implement this feature request
- This feature might incur a breaking change
CDK version used
Environment details (OS name and version, etc.)
OSX 12.6.3