Describe the feature
Once a ComputeEnvironment is created, there is no way to access the security group associated with it. We would like to implement IConectable interface in the ComputeEnvironment to more easily control connections from the batch container.
Use Case
Current implementation requires 3 steps below when creating batch with db connection.
- create a security group
- create the computing resource and associate with the security group created in 1.
- run
db.connections.allowFrom(sg, ...)
If ComputeEnvironment implements IConnectable, it become more simple
- create computing environment without explicit security group association
- run
db.connections.allowFrom(computeEnv, ...)
Proposed Solution
No response
Other Information
No response
- I may be able to implement this feature request
- This feature might incur a breaking change
CDK version used
Environment details (OS name and version, etc.)
ubuntu 18.04